Balancing a part-time job and your studies isn't easy to do, it can at most times be annoying and time-consuming…
They say that if you find a job that you really enjoy doing you never have to work a day…
We all at some times in our lives feel the pressure to get a job. Any job at some times.…
Social media is one of the biggest preoccupations of our time. Keeping up with family, friends, followers and work by…
I was always strapped for cash when I was a student. It wasn't a case of my loan not being…
When it comes to requesting a promotion at work, it’s often a case of if you don’t ask you don’t…
I have worked in retail on and off for 6 years, and I can safely say that it has its…
Interviews can be nerve-wracking. Some people find them easy and are naturals at them. Others, have a more difficult time.…
There’s a lot of things that seem appealing about a placement year- money, experience and increased employability. Although, money is…
There's a timeless joke hovering around every university campus that arts students will never find jobs. This forces a lot…