Graduating high school is a huge deal; it signifies a period of change and adjustment and is an emotional time…
I'm not saying you're going to feel any different over night, but once you turn 18 - that's when reality…
Growing up in Northern Ireland is a truly unique experience, however there are some similarities and traditions that are apparent…
Living in the less fragrant yet picturesque county of Shropshire, the people of the towns and villages within it share…
Most people pretty much have some mundane things to say about their home towns, mainly because they either come from…
When I first moved away to Uni, I quickly realised that not everyone understood what it was like to grow…
If you're Asian (or Arab) your parents may not be... well normal. They have a whole different way of bringing…
Growing up in Abu Dhabi is certainly something different to say the least. Anyone you ever run into outside Abu…
When people hear Coventry, they tend to think of it as that City that was bombed during the war, or…
There's nothing quite like growing up in the Philippines. In a country filled with great food, great people and amazing…