Making friends at university can be daunting. You are starting somewhere new and you might not know anybody. There are…
If you share a flat with a pal, you'll probably know that it's a truly interesting experience, full of highs…
I'm sure you've heard who Millennials are but does Generation Z ring a bell at all? Every generation has been…
Experts say that organizing and your college dorm can significantly affect your well being and your academic performances as well.…
There is no shame in having a well-organized selection of stationery. We all need it, it keeps the world moving.…
It’s not often you find your soulmate bestie, but when you do, you just know. You’ll be best friends now…
Having a cat is one of the best experiences you could have: they are your friend, your companion and they…
Friends are the family, flowers and fuck overs that we chose, they know us better than we sometimes know ourselves…
Uni is riddled with pranksters, new flatmates making exciting new targets to plot against. But some people are just born…
International students make up for a significant and important part of college undergrads. So regardless of your classes or dorm…