
10 Backpack Essentials You Need For Back To School Season

10 Backpack Essentials You Need For Back To School Season

School got you breaking out and going bald from stress? No worries, we've got your back. Your backpack. Your one…

6 years ago

8 Successful Entrepreneurs Every Student Needs To Follow

To be an entrepreneur you have to be made of a variety of special things- ingenuity, diligence, and  maybe little…

6 years ago

10 Thoughts Everyone With A Messy Flatmate Has

Living with other people aka your flatmates, for the first time can be daunting, you know not everyone is going…

6 years ago

The Best Ways To Help A Friend Through A Breakup

Going through a breakup sucks. Is there any silver linings? Not really. But your girlfriends being there for you throughout…

6 years ago

10 Things All First Year University Students Need To Go Through

So its that time of year, where you are literally weeks away from becoming a first year university student. Anxiety,…

6 years ago

The Ultimate Freshman Guide

Your first year at university can be stressful. You're trying to figure out all of your academic responsibilities while juggling…

6 years ago

10 Things To Avoid At All Costs When Drunk

If you're a college freshman and haven't yet warmed up to the idea alcohol, chances are you're going to bump…

6 years ago

6 Ways To Brighten Your Dorm Room Without Breaking The Bank

Moving into a new place is hard, let alone when you're doing it all alone in a place you don't…

6 years ago

10 Ways To Destress Around Exam Season

Exam season is, for many people, upon us, and if it isn't for you, then it's almost certainly fast approaching.…

6 years ago

Social Media Do’s and Don’ts For College Freshmen

As I've said before, college is a really scary place to go to.  Everything is new, but one thing is…

6 years ago