
10 Sustainable Beauty Switches You Should Do RN

10 Sustainable Beauty Switches You Should Do RN

We all know from David Attenborough that the world is in danger, and we can help change that with sustainable…

10 months ago

5 Indoor Plants That Can Change Your Living Room

A beautiful plant can literally improve the look of your room: plants have the power to confer coziness, color, brightness,…

1 year ago

10 Spanish Inspired Lifestyle Changes Everyone Should Make

We can make both small lifestyle changes as individuals and bigger changes as a nation in order to live improved…

5 years ago

How To Sleep Less And Do More: Change Your Lazy Routine

I love sleeping. I wanted to start with this statement because sleeping is actually amazing. The feeling when you lay…

6 years ago

Yoga Changed My Life, Could It Change Yours Too?

Embarking on a yoga journey was, for me, one of the first key steps towards feeling entirely myself. Yoga as…

6 years ago