Student Struggles Everyone At Salford University Understands And Relates To

Whether you are a first year fresher trying to navigate between campuses or a veteran third year who knows all the short cuts, there are some student struggles that everyone at Salford University understands.
1. What to do in the Bubble
Being a former resident of both Horlock Court and John Leicester I am acutely aware of the bubble effect at Salford. You can chose to venture out and mingle with the masses in Manchester or you can embed yourself in your Salford student life, either way you will have fun if you do what you want to do. I chose the latter option and spent time talking with my neighbours, friends and guests and throwing half baked themed parties with people I knew and could have fun with. You can do what you want in the bubble, just makes sure it is for you and like minded people will follow.
2. Best Place to Meet
With campus being spread across the river and so close to Manchester Centre it can be tricky to know where to meet. The first place that comes to mind is the Pint Pot, with its large outdoor area and scenic views. There is also the Crescent Pub if you are more about craft beer and scrumpy then alcopops and cocktails (Also, some tutors frequent this venue after hours if you wanted to chat outside of the classroom). Lastly we have the Student Cafe on the Main Campus, which makes up for its 70’s décor with cheap beer and excellent curly fries. All these venues are close to campus, give them a go and see if you surprise yourself. This is another one of the common student struggles!
3. Getting the Tutors Feedback
Trying to understand the tutors critical remarks on your returned coursework may seem more daunting than it really is. The Tutors are tools that you need to use to get the best qualification you can get, believe me when I say it is not personal. If you want to achieve higher you need to arrange a time to meet them, remember that you are paying a lot for your education so get your money’s worth and don’t leave until you have clearly outlined objectives and a manageable time scale. There is support on offer for student struggles, be brave enough and ask for help if you want to do better.
4. Supporting yourself financially/ Getting work Experience
Many students are facing the same conundrum when leaving Uni, they have the qualification but not the experience. To avoid this I would advise to start early on and incorporate volunteer or part time work gently into your timetable. Try out job recruiters in Manchester, jobsite at the student Hub or ask about Volunteering within the University. These are the transferable, time management and organisational skills that today’s employers are looking for and more than worth the 1 – 16 hour sacrifice a week. My favourite part time job was waitressing for an elite event company, the pay was great, the people were interesting and it introduced me to many things I would not usually be a part of. This is another one of the common student struggles!
5. Enjoying It!
Three years may sound like a long time but it does get consumed by social drama, staggering amounts of coursework and the seemingly endless squalor of student accommodation (Horlock Court has 12 students and 1 kitchen . _ .) Take time to reflect, write a journal and wear out your Salford Uni sweatshirt! Take candid photo’s as I assure you when you look back over the pics in future years the same pose and pout does get a little boring. Do something different, say yes more and test your limits – it’s part of the experience! This is another one of the common student struggles!