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10 Struggles Only Business Students Will Understand

10 Struggles Only Business Students Will Understand

If you have ever experience the stuggle in this list then you must be a business major! Check this out if it's true or not with your friends

Student. Being a student means you have to deal with tons of studying struggles already. Especially when you are a Bussiness student. Here are some struggles that only business students understand:

Business, So Many Things To Learn

First of all, business is a major with plenty of activities, from marketing, accounting to eco finance, and somehow they all link together. So it might be difficult for you to study everything. You can either choose to study only one stream, one aspect of business or you can study all stream but not in depth.

Reality Is Different

Whatever you study at uni maybe a little bit different out there. You know that you cannot apply everything you study into your real life work. One thing that probably every business student all complain after graduating, “Why nobody tells me that it will be this much different?!”


Accounting formula

Accounting formula, and other too many formulas to learn. Studying the business formula probably takes 30 percent of business students time when it is the end of the semester’s examination. There are a lot of complicated formulas that just drive business students nut!

And Law As Well

When being a business major, it also means that you need to know about business laws as well. Every country has different business laws, so if you study in one country and want to work in another in the future that means double law books needed to be studied. Just to remind that it is not easy to learn by heart!

And Case Study

You probably remember the time that you have to spend analyzing some case studies about some company but probably don’t remember what are those case exactly about because of it just simply too much!


You Change Your Resume Like Changing Clothes

Because it all depends on the company that you want to apply for and the interviewer you have to speak with. Everybody has a different view toward something and it shows clearly in this case when you have to apply for the job

The Business Suit

If you are crazy about a business suit like Barney then this should not be a struggle, or else you know your heart breaks when you have to buy the suit that you cannot afford after graduate.

See Also
These GIFs describe being a student at University of Manchester so well! If you went or go to this university, you will get a good laugh from these!


Your Class Normally Starts Early

Well, of course, the early bird gets the worm! So your uni and professors want to make sure that you will get used to your working time in the future eventually. How evil is that!

The Internship

This seems to be the scariest scene in your whole uni life. Not only for the business student but for all students as well. You have tried to apply for plenty of companies from January and haven’t received a call til April. They either want people who have already had experience or your resume is not impressive enough.

Networking Events And Career Fairs Are Your Second Home

You start to go to your uni career fair even in your freshman year to make sure that you can make a good impression to your future employer, and you are like a social butterfly at networking events. You know that it is necessary to build the network now so you start to come around and shake people’s hand; or at least joining those event to see what other business students like.


Although you always wish that one day you will wake up and already be rich, you still enjoy the wealthy scenario that you have in your mind after 5 years of working right? What are other things that bother you when being a business major? Tell us in the comment below!

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