After Uni

10 Steps To Setting And Achieving Goals At Work

Setting and achieving goals at work is an important aspect on ensuring that you are thriving within your work environment. Making sure you have a plan before you start out and goals along the way will help you make sure your quality of work stays at a high standard. Setting these goals will help to increase motivation and productivity.

1. Clarify

The first step to setting and achieving goals at work is to clarify the work that needs to be done and when the deadlines are set. This is an important aspect as without knowing one hundred percent the work that needs to be done it is harder to complete it accurately. You should talk to your boss, manager, supervisor or team leader about the work and then you can begin setting your goals.

2. Create an action plan

The next step to setting and achieving goals is to create an action plan. An action plan is a sequence of steps that you create that need to be done in order to achieve your goals. The three aspects of an action plan are the specific tasks and who will do them, timeline and deadlines, and in some cases resource allocation – what your team will need and what funding is required.

3. Set appropriate time frames

When creating your action plan in the section where you plan your timeline you need to make sure you set appropriate time frames for the work that needs to be done. This is important for setting and achieving goals at work because it ensures that you have enough time to get each aspect completed to the best of your ability.

It is also important to consider the amount of work for each goal and have smaller time frames for goals that are smaller and larger time frames for goals that require more work.

4. Have a plan for variables

Having a plan for variables when setting and achieving goals at work is important in making sure you are ready for anything that could happen. By planning in advance if and when things go wrong or of course then you are able to correct them without having to waste too much time or stress too much.

5. Think of the big picture

When setting and achieving goals at work you need to make sure you think of the big picture. If you focus too much on the small aspects of what you are doing, then the overall project will suffer. You need to make sure that you look at it holistically and not in separate parts.

6. Schedule meetings

This next step to setting and achieving goals at work is about ensuring accountability when working in a team. Scheduling meetings and check-ins with your team during the course of your project allows everyone to make sure they are working at the same pace as everyone else and re-clarify on any sections that they are unsure about.

See Also

7. Ask for help

Asking for help will help you achieve the goals that you set. It is important to know that you can reach out for help when you need it and that you don’t have to do everything by yourself. Doing this takes the pressure off you and allows you to keep your work at a high quality.

8. Set reminders

Achieve your goals at work by setting yourself reminders to keep you on track. These reminders will help you to track your goals, and make sure you are staying with your timeline and reaching your deadlines. One effective way of doing this is by using the reminders app on your phone – something you will always have with you.

9. Set micro-goals

When setting and achieving goals you need to make sure that you break it down into micro-goals. Breaking your goals down helps you to not get overwhelmed or feel like something is too big to achieve. It also helps you keep on track with your timeline.

10. S.M.A.R.T

The final step to setting and achieving goals at work is considering the aspects of S.M.A.R.T goals. S.M.A.R.T goals are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and timely. All of these notions are related to the last nine steps and it is important to consider these when following the previous steps. S.M.A.R.T goals ensure structure and objectives to your project.

These steps to setting and achieving goals at work all go hand in hand, and we hope they help you to complete your projects! Share this article with your work team so everyone can stay on track.

Featured Image Source:
Kali Somerville

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