10 Simple Ways To Practice Mindfulness And Peace

Nowadays, we spend so much of our time on social media or watching TV, that it is very easy to rush through life without stopping to notice much of what is going on around us. Ways to practice mindfulness involves paying more attention to the present moment and to your own thoughts and feelings, to promote mental wellbeing. Health professionals now recommend mindfulness to prevent depression, reduce stress and anxiety and even improve your grades! It can also help us to stop ‘living in our heads’ and enables us to understand ourselves better and enjoy life more. Here are 10 simple ways to practice mindfulness:
1.Live in the moment
Stop dwelling on the past. You can’t change what has gone before, so you’re better off letting it go. This may not be easy, but it’s the only way to move forward. Also, the future isn’t here yet, so you don’t need to put all your energy into preparing for it right now. Nobody knows what tomorrow will bring, so instead you should focus on the present. Enjoy it while it lasts and avoid worrying what time it is or thinking about the task you need to do next.
2.Go outdoors
Spending time in nature is a great way to take some time for yourself and one of the ways to practice mindfulness. Getting outdoors can be relaxing, calming and helps us to appreciate the beauty of the natural world, by giving us a break from the rat race. So go outside in nature, take a moment to breathe in the fresh air, feel the sun on your face and the wind in your hair and watch the wildlife around you. This is a great stress reliever and will renew your sense of wonder and peace.
3.Eat mindfully
While many of us scoff down our food while watching TV, mindful people tend to listen to their bodies and consciously nourish themselves with healthy food. One of the big way to practice mindfulness is eating mindfully. This involves focusing your attention on your meal, chewing your food properly and enjoying its taste and smell. This will help you feel more satisfied, make better choices and has the added benefit of reducing over-eating.
4.Take small steps
Even if your end goal is a long way off and the route to achieve it overwhelming, taking small steps can help you get on the path to success. Try to be patient, there’s no need to rush and don’t waste your time on ‘overnight success’ stories full of empty promises. Instead, focus on the small steps you need to take in order to get where you want. In the long run, there is no shortcut to a happy and fulfilled life, so take the time to celebrate the small achievements and remember that slow and steady wins the race.
5.Remember to pause and take a breath
Many of us spend our days running around multi-tasking and rarely give our undivided attention to anything. However, it is far more effective to concentrate on one objective at once and take a break before moving on to something new. Remembering to pause and take a breather is important to reduce stress. A good technique is to pause long enough for three whole breaths to pass naturally, in order to calm yourself down and collect your thoughts after a stressful day.
6.Get lost in doing things you love
Everyone has something that they love doing, that makes them feel happy and fully alive. Whether it’s singing, dancing, writing, drawing, walking, swimming or a particular sport, there will be something you can channel your energy into doing. For me, going to a concert and immersing myself in the music is something I really enjoy. Or it could be something as simple as snuggling up on the sofa and watching a movie. Whatever it is, if it gives you a break from your worries and helps you to enjoy the present moment, do it. Be happy, do what you love and be completely there without distraction while you do it!
7.Learn to accept things the way they are
Above all, being mindful involves accepting problems as they arise, working through them and moving on. As humans, we tend to wish that things were different and to look for ways to better ourselves, which in itself isn’t a bad thing. However, it is important to avoid focusing on the negatives and to realise that no-one is fully satisfied with their current situation. Acceptance can be difficult, painful even, but it is a much healthier approach to life. It is both empowering and freeing and will help you focus on the bigger picture instead of worrying about things you can’t change. Remember, mindfulness isn’t about being happy all the time. Instead, it is about accepting your reality, living for the present, feeling emotions without resistance and learning from your mistakes in order to move on.
8.Allow yourself to do nothing… and just be
Many of us fail to value the experience of doing nothing, as it’s easy to get addicted to being busy. The fact is, you don’t always need to be running around doing things. Sometimes, you just need to take time out to recharge your batteries, so you can be more productive when you do have to work. In reality, we are only at our most productive for up to two hours at a time, so it is important to take frequent breaks. Giving yourself enough rest or taking a day off to relax, is a great way to practice mindfulness. Even if you just lie on your bed and listen to music that makes you smile, take time out for yourself and renew your energy.
9.Learn to meditate
Meditation has many benefits, including promoting happiness, increasing your energy levels and helping you restore your inner peace. It also helps to reduce stress, lowers your risk of depression and helps you sleep better. Mindful meditation involves focusing the mind on a particular thought to achieve mental clarity and an emotionally calm state. It helps us to convert our negative thoughts into positive ones and overcome any troubles we have. Even 10 minutes a day of ways to practice mundfulness can have a positive impact on your life, so why not give it a try?
10.Focus on the positives and laugh every day
Much of our negativity that leads to stress and anxiety comes from within. It might be down to over-thinking, worrying unnecessarily or dwelling on the past, when instead we should be focusing on the positives in our lives. While it’s not always easy, maintaining a good sense of humour, being able to laugh at yourself and trying to find the good in a bad situation, are proven ways of better dealing with the difficulties you face. You should always try to find a solution to any issues you have and resolve arguments. Life is too short to focus on the negatives and hold grudges after all! Another one of the good ways to practice mindfulness practice is to recollect all the positive experiences. This includes what you had during your day, before you go to sleep. Try to be thankful for what you have, proud of what you’ve achieved so far and don’t take yourself too seriously!
These are ten simple ways to practice mindfulness to improve your mental wellbeing and promote positivity in your life. However, it is important to remember that if you’re struggling with your current situation, you should never be afraid to ask for help when you need it. Remember, live each day as it comes, take baby steps and keep pushing on!
Featured Image: Weheartit

An English graduate from Yorkshire, currently living in Teesside. A lover of TV & film, music, tattoos and travelling!