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8 Simple Ways To Boost Your Creativity

8 Simple Ways To Boost Your Creativity

8 Simple Ways To Boost Your Creativity

In order to become more creative, you need to understand one thing beforehand – your brain is a muscle you need to improve and keep healthy. You don’t have to move mountains to boost creativity and you’ll need to practice regularly to see the results. There are many different ways you can do that – try one at a time and see for it works for you! Here are the 8 Simple Ways You Must Try To Boost Your Creativity:

1. Set The Right Mood

It may be very discouraging to lack awesome ideas and to struggle with tackling problems. However, it might be just a little thing you add to your normal routine that will stimulate your creativity and make you work efficiently.  For example, Steve Jobs used to listen to music to change his mood in order to come up with solutions. Try changing your mood with music, it may work for you too!

2. Go For A Walk Or Run

There is no better way to keep your brain healthy than to exercise! It doesn’t necessarily need to be bodybuilding to positively change structures of one of the most important muscles in your body, by simply moving your body a little – go for a walk, go for a run, cycle to work or uni, go to the park or go swimming! And remember, focus on what you’re doing and leave everything else behind – for this particular moment!


 3. Observe

As I have already mentioned, focus on what you’re doing! When walking or running, observe your movements, smell, touch and relax! Do not focus your attention on the upcoming deadlines or stress over work – for this moment observe yourself and your surrounding!

4. Meditate

You can practice meditation anywhere and anytime! You don’t need to spend hours meditating and singing various mantras, however, find 5 or 10 minutes a day, every two days to focus on your breath and mind. It might feel a bit awkward at first if you’ve never practiced meditation before but don’t you worry you’ll get there – it just takes time. Creativity isn’t built overnight! This mind practice will also help you manage stress and stressful events in your life – 2 in 1! You’ve already won!

5. Challenge Yourself Every Day

Do you like experiencing new things? Do you enjoy challenging yourself? Why not give it a go and see if that will help you with creativity? Challenge yourself for a month and try to do something new every day, something you’ve never done before or you were too scared to try or something you’ve always wanted but feared the opinion of others or simply lacked time! Leave your phone aside and work on yourself – this is the best investment!

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6. Journal

Journaling has been so popular and trendy recently! Everyone’s been obsessed with writing thoughts, collecting tickets and keeping all memories in one place! Spend a few minutes each day noting down everything you’ve managed to do and accomplished that day and you’re proud of! And if this does not sound right to you, just take a piece of paper and draw whatever comes to your mind – regardless of your drawing skills!

7. Change Your Surrounding

Sometimes all it takes is the change of your surrounding! If you mostly work at home – go outside, catch some fresh air and go to a cafeteria! Maybe a library will work better for you – a peaceful and calm place? Changing your surrounding will definitely boost your creativity!


8. Don’t Criticize Yourself

The most important piece of advice I can give you and I’m positive it will work for anyone is to stop criticizing yourself! Be gentle, be kind, be yourself and don’t get mad at yourself if you fail but try again! This is extremely important as it is the learning process that will get you to the place you desire!

How do you work on your creativity? What are your ways to boost creativity? Let us know in the comments.
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