8 Simple Lessons On How To Read Body Language

Reading body language is never easy. Especially in strained social settings, like a job interview or a first date. On the bright side, body language is pretty objective which it quite easy to read, especially if you know what you’re looking for.
So here is a list of tips and tricks when it comes to reading people and what their body language really means.
People often raise their eyebrows when they are surprised by something. Also, if someone is talking to you, raising their eyebrows might mean they are either impressed by something or they want to ask you a question.
Lowered eyebrows are often used by people with a dominant personality. In a conversation lowered eyebrows convey irritability and displeasure towards the topic of discussion.
This is a good hack to look out for when you’re negotiating with someone. if they are mirroring your body language it means that they agree with what you are saying.
3.Crossing their arms and legs
If the person you’re talking to is crossing their arms and legs it indicates that they are hesitant and maybe don’t actually agree with what you are saying. However, according to psychology people often do this subconsciously, which makes it an even bigger insight into what the other person is really thinking.
Even if the person you are talking to is trying to maintain a calm and poised demeanour their eyes will still manage to reveal all. For example, if they are making eye contact it means they are very confident and present in the conversation. However, if they keep blinking or cannot look you in the eye it indicates that they either have low self-esteem but it could also imply that they are guilty or very anxious.
5.Tense Shoulders
The person you’re talking to seems to have quite tense shoulders isn’t really the best sign because people often do this when they are anxious or scared. Although, it could just mean they are just cold.
6.Head Movement
Observing someone’s head movement is actually a good way to understand what they are really thinking. For example, if the person you’re talking to keeps their head down or keeps looking around, they might not be interested in the conversation. However, if their head is raised up it shows that they are approachable and welcoming as a person.
If they are nodding excessively, it could imply that they want you to know they are listening as opposed to actually just listening.
If you’re talking to someone and they are leaning into you, (not in a creepy way) it may imply that they are interested and agree with what you have to say. Most men use this technique when they like someone. For example, if a man is leaning into whilst you’re talking he is clearly indicating that he likes you. Also if they face their entire torso towards you during a conversation he definitely has a crush on you!
However, if they are leaning on something (like the sofa or a wall) whilst talking to you it often indicates a submissive demeanour and insecurities.
If someone likes you, they will subconsciously point their feet towards you because feet tend to point in the direction they want to go. On the other hand, if their feet are facing the opposite direction, this could mean they aren’t invested in conversation or they are in a rush to leave. If someone is stretching or curling their feet is shows that they are very calm and relaxed about the situation.
There are so many different mannerisms when it comes to body language. Comment below if you can think of any others.
Feature Source Image:Â https://weheartit.com/entry/328596769?context_query=mirroring&context_type=search
