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5 Simple And Clever Ways To Prank Your Housemates

5 Simple And Clever Ways To Prank Your Housemates

There's nothing better than managing to prank your housemates and getting away with it. Here are some simple ways of doing so!

There are endless ways you can prank your housemates, if you’re feeling daring. Perhaps they’ve wound you up recently and you want to get your own back, or maybe you’re just feeling a bit bored and fancy having a bit of fun. Either way, if you’re willing to put a little bit of effort in, pranking your housemates has never been easier!

1. Tin foil their entire room

Yes, you read that right. I first heard of this one from my brother, and I’m not sure I’ve ever laughed so hard. Just weeks into his first year of University he came back from a night out to find that the entire contents of his room had been individually wrapped in tin foil. This one is perhaps only feasible if you really are bored and have a lot of time on your hands, but it is certainly one to put on the bucket list. Just picture your housemate’s priceless face (but perhaps offer to help them unwrap everything afterwards!)

2. Hide an alarm clock in their room

Now this one, you must give a go. Perhaps especially amusing to try on someone who struggles to get up in the mornings, all you have to do is place an alarm clock somewhere that isn’t very obvious in their room. Set it to a random time, such as 3am (if you want to be extremely mean), and listen outside their door in hysterics when you hear them fumbling around and cursing in the early hours. Make sure you get a few of your housemates in on this one, otherwise you might have more than just one person knocking angrily on your door the next day.


3. Cover their floor in cups

This one might be a bit fiddly to do considering you’ll have to avoid falling over yourself, but it will be totally worth it. Buy a ton of plastic cups and fill them with water one by one. Then, it’s up to you how you do it but you could either cover their bedroom floor with them while they’re out, or cover the corridor so that it’s impossible for them to reach their door (but again, remember this might affect more than one housemate). This is a funny way to prank your housemates if you’re willing to set it all up!

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4. Swap their kitchen and bedroom cupboards around

This could arguably be the most annoying thing you could do. Make sure they’re out of the house, not just their room, before emptying their kitchen cupboard of all their utensils, food etc. Move all of these into the wardrobe in their bedroom, and replace them with all of their clothes. And I mean all of them. They’ll get a shock when they go to get some pasta and find themselves touching underwear instead! While this would undoubtedly provide some great entertainment, be prepared for them to get revenge on you one day. Probably very soon.


5. Cover their walls in post-it notes

Be warned: this will take a heck of a long time. But if you’re determined to prank your housemates no matter how much time or effort it takes, this would certainly be one to remember. You will need loads and loads of post-it notes (who needs them for studying anyway?), in various colours if you wish. Then one by one you can just stick them all over your housemate’s wall – or if you’re feeling daring, cover all four of their walls. They will be shocked to walk in and find that their once white walls are now extremely fluorescent – who knows, they might even thank you for it.

These are just a few easy ways you can prank your housemates, if you think you can take the heat afterwards. Have you ever successfully pranked your housemates? Let us know how in the comments below!