Firstly, what is a twin flame? Not to be confused with a soul mate a twin flame is someone who you connect with on almost every level and in many ways mirrors exactly who you are. They bring out the good and the bad in you and allow you the space to be who you are while they also do the same. Think you’ve found your twin flame? Here are 10 signs that you may be right and that your twin flame has entered your life!
Well, what do you mean? All my friends and I laugh at the same things? That might be true but if you have found your twin flame you will be the only two laughing when the rest of the room is not. You’ll be laughing when no one has made a joke and you’ll laugh just if you look at each other for 3 seconds too long. You are always laughing and a lot of the time it won’t make sense as to why you are laughing to anyone outside of your connection. That is the beauty of a twin flame. Joy is so easily communicated and shared.
Just like laughing when you are only looking at each other is one sign you’ve found your twin flame so is the corresponding ability to communicate without words. This doesn’t mean that you don’t speak to each other but it means you don’t always have to. Your twin flame will be able to read your body language and the energy you are omitting. If you are separate for some reason they will also be able to decipher the hidden messages behind the texts you are sending. You may say you are happy but they will always be acutely aware that you are not. There is no sense in hiding or lying to your twin flame, you will quickly learn it will never work. You don’t have to be explicit with your twin flame, they will simply read you completely and will see your truth whether you like it or not.
This is not to say that you argue all the time, though you might. But if you have found your twin flame you will very often have a heated discussion. Because you are so similar sometimes it can be hard to keep the passion you share separate when you are discussing sensitive material. While this sounds like a negative it isn’t, it just means that you have to learn how to listen to each other and because you connect on such a deep level you will have no choice to. You will always have conversations or arguments where you both raise your voice or maybe need minutes to yourself to regain your composure. This is because you’re almost talking to a mirror and that is not always easy. Don’t let this discourage you because it can be easily managed. But if you find you are always having these kinds of conversations with someone in your life, then you may have found your twin flame – a mirror to look to.
This person will be someone you want to tell the good news to and the person you want to tell the bad news to. A sign you’ve found your twin flame is that they will be the first person you will seek to confide in and better yet they will always welcome that from you and feel they can do the same. You can tell your twin flame everything. This includes your deepest and darkest thoughts that you’ve long felt like would never be understood. Your twin flame will not only listen. They will relate and this will begin your mutual understanding that this person will support you and you will support them. They are a safe place for you to land.
This does not mean you have similar passions or are taking similar paths in life but it means that you both share the same ultimate goal. A sign you’ve found your twin flame is often that you have a similar work ethic and while perhaps operating in a different field, consider success the same way. This is rare, it isn’t common to have your aspirations understood but your twin flame will likely understand them and also share them.
I don’t mean that you tell each other you look good every day but that may happen, I mean that when the two of you are together something magical happens and you bring out the best in the other. You are your strongest when you feel their support and you can be your weakest as well. Because you compliment each other you are better people when you are near them and they remind you exactly what you are capable of.
Like the previous point, they also challenge you. They won’t take any of your crap and if they notice you doing something harmful they will call you out on it. They won’t tolerate any poor behaviour but instead will encourage you to be better and to learn more and keep learning so you will keep growing. Also, they won’t dismiss your feelings but they will help guide you to more helpful ones that will see you evolve from the trouble instead of being reduced by it.
Friendship or a relationship of any kind can be hard to place on a timeline. We often define our relationships with others based on how quickly they grow but a connection with a twin flame is quick to manifest. For this reason, it can catch you off guard and even force you to reevaluate how you regard the relationships in your life. You have little control over your connection and you will find yourselves cultivating a connection that many takes lifetimes to build in a matter of days or weeks. Twin flame connections don’t follow tradition, they defy our expectations and they force us to leave behind our beliefs and remind us time is relative.
A sign you’ve found your twin flame is that you both navigate difficulty together very early on. This is both because you have found someone that you feel validates your existence but also because your connection is much deeper than most. Unlike relationships of another kind, your bond is much more resilient and distance and tragedy aren’t capable of breaking or shaking it. Your friendship is strong and very little will come between you.
It’s likely you’ve found your twin flame if they inspire you in the most simple of ways. Sometimes this can be as mundane as wearing a colour they’ve never worn before or as deep as admitting a dark secret they haven’t been able to communicate before now. Just knowing they exist in your life motivates you because you don’t need them to say they believe in you, their mere existence inspires you. You praise the day they were born because a person was brought into this world that makes you feel like the world isn’t so hard to navigate after all.
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