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10 Signs You’re Ready To Graduate From University

10 Signs You’re Ready To Graduate From University

Sometimes it is just time for us to move on: if you feel like you're getting tired of the Uni life, check out this list of signs you're ready to graduate!

University is one of the best experiences of your life. Whilst it’s all full of nights out, laughs, new friends and tonnes of memories there is also the work and responsibility side to it. I know from my experience I never wanted the 4 (I also did a masters) years to ever end but here I am almost ready to graduate. As you make your way to the end, dissertation handed in, good times had, you begin to realise you are actually ready to graduate and see whats next in store for you. So, here are 10 signs you’re ready to graduate!

1. You’re bored of being poor

Overdrafts and debts aren’t as fun as they used to be so now you yearn to have a steady income to repay all those that you owe. As much as you like to pretend adulthood isn’t coming, your bank account is making sure you remember.

2. Your dissertation has well and truly finished you off

You thought your dissertation was going to kill you off. No sleep, late nights, and long days have you questioning how well you’ve done but at least its over. You made it! But you’re not ready to go through that anytime soon, let alone again.


3. Everyone is going their separate ways

Everyone begins to go for interviews, find jobs, start plans or do their own thing which makes you realise that uni doesn’t last forever and you should probably join them. Although this is sad, it can also be happy to see where you’ll all end up, and is definitely a sign you’re ready to graduate!

4. You’ve run out of eligible people to date in your uni town or city

You’ve dated him, slept with her or awkwardly made out with their friend and you realise that there is no one of interest left. Guess its time to move on and find a new dating pool.

5. You’re tired of messy housemates and always washing the dishes

Found your pans in the sink all dirty again and you wonder why you decided to live with these people. Living with your mates can be the best experience but can also have its downfalls as your friendships are so much more intense as you see each other every day I think everyone has been here, but it can also definitely be one of the signs you’re ready to graduate!


6. First years begin to look younger and younger

You still feel pretty youthful as you move up and up in the year groups but suddenly realise… hang on, they seem to be getting younger. The reality is you’re just getting older. Sad times.

7. You’re sick of eating basics or value food

Noodles are no longer a staple diet and you are craving more. Real home cooked food from a clean kitchen. No more basics or value food. You want wholesome, dare I say healthy, food for once and those noodles no longer cut it.

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8. You’re relieved when you hand your last assignment in

Now I know this happens when you hand any assignment in but it is almost as if a whole new weight has been lifted when finally your last essay/exam is over. That is it. No more. Goodbye. Although this may seem like this is a given for any student, its definitely heightened when it’s one of the signs you’re ready to graduate!

9. You don’t recognise as many people

It feels like you know the whole university in the first year but that slowly narrows down as each year goes by until you have your set group of people that you know you’ll be BFFs with.

10. That exam stress is finally too much to deal with

Tired? Hungry? Haven’t showered in days? Exams have a funny way of controlling our lives and let me guess, these last set of exams have driven you crazy? Yep, thought so. Your mind is constantly flooded with the idea that you’ll fail and these exams are worth so much more. ‘Is it over yet?’ the stressed-out student cries, ‘almost almost’ replied graduation with open arms.


What are some other signs you’re ready to graduate that you can think of? Let us know in the comments below!

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