There’s nothing worse than being stuck in an awful job that brings you no joy; knowing that you have to keep going to that place that you tend to call hell and say hello to those colleagues that in all honesty get on your nerves just to pay your bills.
Eventually, there will come a point where you have to wipe those tears off of your face, walk out that door and never look back. But how do you know if you’ve had enough? Well, here are a few signs that you need to quit that awful job of yours.
You cry a lot. Not just once a week, we’re talking a lot. No matter how much you love those £’s going into your bank account so you can do that online shopping you’ve made a very bad habit of you still sit there wasting your days off thinking about how you never ever want to set foot in that building again.
Not only that, you can’t help but feel you’re failing at life because all that hard work at school and university feels wasted because you’re stuck in this awful job. So, all there is left to do is weep.
You wake up on the day of your next shift and you just lay there staring at your ceiling knowing fully well if you spend any more time in your lovely warm and cosy bed that did no wrong to you, you will either be horribly late or you’ll have to go into work looking like a bum because you haven’t given your beauty blender the time to even try and sort out your face. Your motivation is always 0 and in reality, you’re praying your boss sacks you for unreliability.
Every night before bed you conjure up a mental list of reasons you’re too sick to go into work tomorrow. Is being an emotional wreck enough to sign me off for the day?
You ignore your friends and family who keep telling you that your awful job is creating a monster. You argue and create non-existing problems with them a hell of a lot more than before but you just blame it on the hormones or if you’re a guy, Irritable Male Syndrome but really, you know that you’re unhappy and what do you do when you’re unhappy? Take it out on the people you love most.
What do a lot of people do when unhappy? They comfort eat. Come off it, we’ve all used that excuse before because you wanted to eat the entire box of chocolates to yourself; however, it’s only natural that if you’re unhappy you should do whatever will help that and food makes everyone happy. Am I right?
We all get annoyed at our bosses or just at your colleagues for maybe not pulling their weight or just being plain irritating but if it’s an awful job, it’ll be annoyed on a whole new level.
Every task you’re being given you’re hating your boss for, every colleague that makes a joke you take it to heart and hold in the verbal abuse you have inside you and if you’re in retail let’s not get started on the customers.
You look around at all your colleagues and can’t help but feel confused as to how some of them have been there for years on end. This must be a clear indication that you definitely do not want to be in this awful job for years to come.
Now, this is a serious one for you all… There’s nothing worse than knowing you’re doing great in your job but either co-workers above you choose not to see this or you are not in a role that you can progress in. What’s the answer? Find a job you can flourish in because you of all people know what you’re capable of so use that power of yours and just go for it.
If you have already got that resignation letter all written out with all your reasoning and dates on which you keep having to update because “it’s never the right time blah blah blah” then it’s clear that you need to quit that awful job of yours because there’s only a matter of time before you do hand in that notice and all you will do is beat yourself up for waiting so long.
Let’s say you left School or you needed some extra cash during University so you can buy those several Jägerbombs you always regret the morning after and you just pick up any part-time job because for the time being you’re not too fussed.
However, fast forward to years later and you’re still serving those regulars or writing to the same clients and you look back and wonder how a couple of months to a year turned into five? This was never your original plan so unless you’re comfortable and content then it’s finally time to leave that awful job.
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