15 Signs You Grew Up In Kinross

Kinross is a quiet town, but growing up there was everything but. Here’s 15 Signs You Grew Up in Kinross.
1. If you weren’t a Loft Loyal, did you even exist?
There’s nowhere to go out-out in Kinross, so Perth is the next best thing. As soon as you hit 18, every Thursday was spent shakin’ what your Mama gave ya on The Loft dancefloor. The photoshoots you did in front of that famous Loft wall each week will be the best you’ll ever do.
2. The banks of Loch Leven made for the best bar in town.
There aren’t many places a gal can go out in Kinross town, so the bonnie banks of Loch Leven and a bottle of wine will have to do. All fun and games until someone goes in the water…
3. Apple Sourz is pronounced SOORZ not SOWERZ
Any flavour. We’ll take it.
4. Who’s turn is it for an empty this week?
These parties were some of your funniest, most embarrassing, and roughest nights of you life…what you can remember. Either everyone would turn up, or no one at all. Go hard or go home.
5. Sainsbury’s supermarket is a social activity, not an errand
In Kinross, taking a walk to the supermarket is just as entertaining as going to the cinema, and if you don’t bump into at least 10 people you know, then something’s not right.
6. ‘The Vennie’ was the place to be
Chappin’ on all your pals doors to see who wanted to come out to The Vennie park was a daily activity, whether you were doing kick-about on the grass, clambering in the trees, or playing Boys Kiss the Girls behind the trees (classy).
7. Going for lunch to ‘the garage’ or Bayne’s the Bakers
Remember the old guy who owned the garage down the street from school? Legend. And those Bayne’s suasage rolls and Scotch pies? Bangers. Oh, and a premium Friday treat would be a Mr. Blobby iced biscuit from the bakers.
8. Sledging on Baw Hill in Milny
When the snow hit Kinross, there was only one place worth trekking your sledge across town to get to. It’s actually called Ba’ Hill, but that’s not as funny. You’d get serious FOMO if you weren’t there.
9. The old paper shop sold Mix Ups in paper bags
The front desk was like a deli counter for sweets, and if you got the nice lady, she’d let you choose anything you liked. If you grew up in Kinross you’ll definitely remember rainbow astrabelts, big coca cola bottles, and those multicoloured sherbet straws.
10. ‘Going a walk’ was a date (before drinking came around)
If you were a young’un looking to sweet talk your crush, the best way you could escape your parents was by going for a walk to Burleigh Sands by the water. So romantic.
11. Group day trips to McDonald’s were definitely a thing
If you were lucky enough to have a pal that could drive AND had a car, then a glamorous trip to MaccyD’s was always on the cards. Another known first date spot.
12. T in the Park
If you didn’t go to T in the Park, then you’re not a real Kinrossite. Scotland’s biggest and best festival used to be on the doorstep. If you weren’t carrying people’s luggage, or wheeling them around in wheelbarrows for money, then you were definitely boogying at ‘Cocktail Cocktail’ until the sun went down.
13. Trading Pokemon cards in the playground was taken very seriously
Stealing someone else’s cards was the ultimate crime.
14. Cafe 98 lentil soup out of a polystyrene cup
All the cafes in Kinross have nothing on old Cafe 98. The wee joint isn’t there anymore, but my GOD that soup was childhood memories in a cup.
15. Last but not least, Kinross’s ‘wonderful’ smell
Kinross is a cute wee place. It’s easy to forget that it’s surrounded by chicken farms. Oh, wait! You never forget that, because the place reeks of manure 98% of the time! You’d think growing up in Kinross all these years would make you used to the smell, but it is just as bad every time.