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20 Signs You Go To University of Warwick

20 Signs You Go To University of Warwick

If you're a student at the University of Warwick then you can probably relate to at least some of the points on this article!

The University of Warwick is definitely a very unique experience! From downing a pint of purple at Pop! to being stalked home by geese, there are a few special things that only students at Warwick Uni will understand. Whether you are a past, present or future student (hello freshers!) at the University of Warwick, I’m sure you’ll all enjoy these signs that you go to the country’s third most boring (according to The Tab, but who reads it anyway?) but definitely one of the most unique unis in the country.

1. You Understand The Obsession With The Kone.

Strangers to the Uni of Warwick may wonder, what if this huge, twirling and at times illuminated cone-shaped object placed randomly in the middle of the campus? The truth is, we don’t know either. But if you go to Warwick, you’ll know to love it for what it is, which is, essentially, an unnecessary waste of space.

2. You Know That Library 5thFloor Is Only For Serious Candidates.

I can’t count the number of times I’ve trekked up to the 5thfloor of the library during exam season, searching through the silent rows of heads-down students with their 20-piece set of Stabilo highlighters and folders that appear to weigh more than a small house, unable to find a free space. Honestly, if you are a regular 5thfloor library-goer at the University of Warwick, I take my hat off to you.


3. One Of The Highlights Of Your Life Is Getting A Shoutout From Disco Dave.

Who doesn’t love Disco Dave? A 50-something man who wears an awful mullet wig and DJs at Pop every Wednesday evening for a bunch of students singing along to Cotton Eye Joe. What a life he leads. But you know you’ve made it in life when your tweet to Disco Dave appears on the Pop! screen for all of about 5 seconds and you get your, albeit very short-lived, moment on fame.

4. The Warwick-Coventry Rivalry Is One That You’ll Never Get Tired Of.

It’s not even that Warwick and Coventry students don’t like each other, its more that we all find it quite amusing to start a rivalry. Whatever floats your boat, I guess.

5. The Deadline Reminder Email From Tabula Will Haunt You Forever.

Yes, Tabula, I know that my assignment is due in 24 hours. And no, I not anywhere near finished so it will probably be an all-nighter tonight. Are you happy now?


6. You Know The Struggle For A Smack Q-Jump.

I mean, it’s like the world has gone barren and the Smack q-jump is the only source of food. When Smack q-jumps are limited, Warwick students turn into wild animals and start to fight to the death. It’s all worth it though, who wants to be waiting in a queue for 45+ minutes?

7. You’ll Forever Have A Life-Long Fear Of Geese.

The geese are one of the University of Warwick’s main attractions. Just kidding, but there are a lot of geese around campus. And it’s not a rare occurrence to find them running after you trying to slap you with their wings.

8. Purple Isn’t Just A Colour.

If you go to the University of Warwick, you’ll know that purple isnt just a colour, but a quite sickening mixture of Carlsberg, Strongbow and a lot of blackcurrant squash. But nevertheless, its bound to get you wasted and will probably cause you to face-plant the floor of The Copper Rooms.


9. You’ve Never Loved Your Group Of Friends More Than When ‘Angels’ Comes On At The End Of Pop.

Ahh, isn’t it great when they play ‘Angels’ at the end of POP! and you and your group of friends huddle in a circle, arms on each other’s shoulders, swaying to the music. Have you ever had so much love for your friends than at this point in time? Probably not. Then you go back home together and someone throws up about 6 pints of purple their mate’s new Topshop jeans on The Uni Express and war breaks out again. It was fun while it lasted.

10. The Early Morning Bus Journey From Leam To Uni Was Your Idea Of Hell.

I think Warwick is the only uni in the country where you have to leave your house an hour and a half before your 9am lecuture to make it on time, only to find yourself waitng at the busstop for half an hour while 4 U1 buses already packed with students gleefully drive past you. Oh, the commuter’s life.

11. You’re Probably There As An Oxbridge Reject.

Let’s be real, apart from a very select few of us, most students at Warwick are here because they were rejected by Oxford or Cambridge. And a few of these people still seem to be triggered by this 3 years on. Come on now, lets get over it.


12. You’re More Than Happy To Go Out In Your Old School Uniform 3 Years After You Left.

Skool days is one of Warwick’s best known nights out, which, to be honest, says a lot about Warwick’s nightlife. It is a great chance for you to whip out your year old 11 uniform (freshers-to-be, don’t chuck your uniform out just yet) and prance around The Copper Rooms like your still in school. Which you’re not, you’re at University studying a degree and less than 3 years away from being a full-time adult, but who’s questioning it?

13. You Know Its All Over If You Fall Onto The Floors Of The Copper Rooms.

No one wants to fall onto the floor of The Copper Rooms because, with about 5 gallons of purple (see above) spilt on the floor, you’ll probably be stuck to it for the rest of the night. Either that or you’ll definitely lose a shoe or two to the grimy Copper Rooms floor.

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14. You’ve Had To Explain To Your Home Friends That A Circle Is More Than A Shape On More Than One Occasion.

Why wouldn’t you want to sit in a huge group of rowdy students forcing you to down multiple pints of alcohol at a time? Sounds like my kind of fun!

15. The Uni Express…Need I Say Any More?

For those who aren’t aware, The Uni Express is a bus that you can get directly from campus to Leamington (where most 2ndor 3rdyears live) and is mostly used when heading to or coming back from a night out. That means a bus trip involving a lot of drunk chanting and the occasional chunder on the bus floor.

16. You Know What It’s Like To Not See Someone Between The Ages Of 19-25 For At Least 5 Weeks.

They say that the University of Warwick campus is a bubble for a reason! If you go to Warwick, it’ll be completely normal to you being surrounded by students 24/7 and to go weeks without seeing someone who isn’t between the ages of 19-25.


17. You Know Exactly What A Potato Dog From Rootes Grocery Shop Is.

If you haven’t had a potato dog from Rootes Grocery store, you’re missing out. Big time!

18. You Know To Not Walk Via The Library During A Week Day.

Unless you want to wade your way through a battlefield of people handing out flyers and rallying for the next SU president (who actually cares?), you’ll know to avoid the library entrance at all costs during the day. If you can relate to this, you go to the University of Warwick.

19. You Dread The Hike To The Westwood Post Room Every Time You Get That Little Postage Notification Slip.

The big questions amongst us Warwick uni students is, why on earth did they decide to put the campus post room as far away from central campus as humanly possible? It can take between 20-30 minutes to walk there from central campus, which makes us a lot less excited for our new ASOS order than it should do.


20. You’ll Understand What An Absolute Waste Of Time The Oculus Building Is.

The Oculus building took so long to build, but what it actually the point of it? There is a big lecture hall, a café, a few seminar rooms, very limited study areas and a whole lot of empty space. It’s essentially just a fancy and completely unpractical waste of space. This is a definite sign that you go to the University of Warwick.

Can you relate to these 20 signs that you go to the University of Warwick? Let us know in the comments below!
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