Whether you’ve been here for two minutes or you’re reluctant to leave after graduating, you’ll be able to appreciate how special our uni is. Raise your hand if you love University of Leeds?
University of Leeds is such a small world that you seem to run into everyone you know wherever you go. Waiting for the toilet in Eddy B? See your old friend from school. Trekking down the Roger Stevens stairs? Run into that guy on your floor in halls that no one remembers the name of. It’s just the way campus works. It’s both a blessing and a curse. An empty campus means no awkward run ins.
You may be an old time classic Brotherton lover, or perhaps enjoy the groovy colours in Eddy B. Regardless, you’ve decided where your perfect study spot is, down to the floor and specific area, maybe even to the chair.
We all have a love or hate relationship with Fruity. If you haven’t been to Fruity, do you even go here? It’s a rite of passage as well as a way of life (for some, not all). Top tip: go on your birthday for free entry and free bevs.
If there is a singular ray of sun on campus then you best head to Terrace quick before all the outdoor seating is full, it’s the place to be. Evidently not quite warm enough to ditch the jacket though.
North Face, Berghaus or the classic Urban Outfitters? It’s how we stay warm, and how some stay ‘edgy Leeds’. (Obviously with a Fjällräven Kånken backpack to complete the look.) We even have an Instagram account dedicated to the cause.
So, you’ve had a mad one, it’s some early hour of the morning and you’re hungry. Question is: Crispy’s or Zulfi’s? No one comes between a girl and her kebab.
The explanation for why Hyde Park Pub on an afternoon is crammed with people dressed as superheroes or painted blue. The weirder the theme the better. Transforming your back to school look into Mission appropriate attire is a mission in itself really.
We’ve all had that Uber driver who we’ve told our life story to when in a questionable state (whether they ask for it or not) and you can assure them that of course it’ll be five stars for your new best mate.
Revealing what halls you were in could potentially taint the friendship or relationship you’re about to embark upon at University of Leeds. Let’s see if you live up to the stereotype. An example of how the Tannery provides 10/10 good times only.
Snuck your sandwich into the library? Fair play. Snuck your bag of McCoy’s ridged crisps into the library for the loudest munching imaginable? How dare you.
Either you or at least one person in your friendship group has ‘found themselves’ on a gap year before they started at University of Leeds, we’re just so cultured.
We haven’t forgotten about our pals in the Midlands don’t worry. Probably best to not get involved in this one.
You’re on campus in a nice outfit, makeup, and heels? Certainly must be a special occasion. The grass really is greener on this one night of the year.
If you’re really a BNOC (Big Name On Campus), would you need to declare it to everyone?
You’ve probably either had a rat infestation or a leak or every appliance is broken. Don’t worry though as you also probably have your maintenance man on speed dial. House rule to live by: every time something breaks – order a Gelato Passion to rectify the stress.
You might just know one song by this artist or maybe you’ve never even heard of them, but you’ve paid £20+ to attend this particular event just to avoid the fomo that will go on for weeks when everyone reminisces about ‘that night when…’
The only thing saving me from a sad lonely day in the library is a warm ciabatta let’s be honest. Also, throwback to the greatest April Fool’s Prank ever when Canal Mills announced Bakery 164 would be the next featured guest appearance.
Some of the chants are too much to ever repeat back.
Poached eggs and avocado with the little pesto around the edge of the plate? Aesthetic sorted.
Regardless of anything people say about us, we just love our uni, and we are happy to let you know about it.
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