6 Signs You Go To University of Glasgow

The University of Glasgow is a wonderful school with a lot of perks. I've listed some signs that show you're a definite UofG student!

The University of Glasgow is a great school, and I can proudly say that I am a recent graduate from there! I never thought I would be able to say that- judging from the amount of work and stress that came along with being a UofG student!

With that being said, as I spent four years of my life at Glasgow uni I have recently been reminiscing a lot about my experiences there which has allowed me to come up with ways you can easily tell if you are in the presence of a student from this incredible university! So without further ado, here are 6 signs you go to the University of Glasgow…

1. Those orange and black sports jackets

These brightly coloured jackets are a major way to know you go to the University of Glasgow! They are worn by students from sporting societies/ teams, such as the ruby team- making it an eye catchy way to know you are definitely a student at Glasgow uni!


2. A coloured coffee takeout cup on hand

…Or in other words every student’s saviour in grace! These ‘to go’ cups come in a number of colours and you are bound to see at least 4 in 5 students carrying them around campus as they go to class. Coffee surely is a staple for any student, no matter where you go but it goes without saying that the Fraser building / the library’s very own café is a Glasgow student’s sanctuary for getting a much needed and might I say cheap caffeine kick!

3. Fumbling about for your student card

If you ever see a person fumbling about in there coat pockets or bags around the streets of Glasgow uni then you know they are looking for their student cards in agitation! This is especially the case outside and around the library where you need the card to get past reception.

The Hunterian museum stands as a neighbour to the library, making it a place where many tourists / non students visit. So if you are ever touring around the museum and see a person try to dig a hole inside their pockets then you will now know that they are a frustrated student!


4. A John Smith’s Book Bag on your shoulders

John Smith’s bookstore is a major student book shop which caters to every subject and most importantly every student! With this being said, it comes as no surprise when you are out and about and see many people carrying huge book bags on either side of their shoulders.

This is mainly the case during the start of each semester when the shop is flooded with eager students who want to get all their books from their very hefty reading lists! So, if you see a young person looking very red and sweaty with a number of bags in a dark blue book bag, then you know they are a very tired student at the University of Glasgow!

See Also
There are so many things you can avoid throwing away! Help the Earth and recycle these few basic things instead of getting rid of them!


5. Walking up and down University Avenue like it’s a breeze (to some extent)

Many UofG students have to walk up the dreaded hill that gets you to and from campus! If you are from Glasgow, then I am sure you are aware that it is pretty much built on a hill and that walking anywhere will seem like an absolute trek and a half! However, because of the many times students have to walk around campus to get to class, the level of exhaustion from it all seems to become- dare I say it, quite bearable!

I mean if you go to uni 5 times a week and have a few classes per day then I am sure you are bound to build somewhat of a tolerance to the much hated hills! So if your ever huffing and puffing around campus and you see a person strolling along like nobody’s business, then you shouldn’t feel bad about your level of fitness as they are JUST purely a University of Glasgow student! 😉

6. Speed walking around campus

Speed walking is a much needed skill that every University of Glasgow student needs to master! The distance from different buildings around campus is single handily the biggest vain in almost every UofG students life!


With the hills, roads, traffic and herds of other students in a rush- the time it takes to get from A to B only resorts you into being late for class and awkwardly out of breath as you sit down and try to gather the strength to fumble around your bag for a much needed pint of water! With this being said, if you see a student darting down the street then they are probably just a UofG student who is just trying to make it to their next class in the span of 5- 10 minutes (sigh).

So there we have it, 6 signs that will tell you as well as others that you go to the University of Glasgow! Comment down below if you are a student of Glasgow uni or a recent grad like me by telling us what point you relate to the most!
Featured Image Source: http://investglasgow.com/higher-further-education/green-light-university-glasgow-campus-masterplan/