20 Signs You Go To The University Of Liverpool

The University of Liverpool will give you some of the best experiences of your life. From Raz Mondays to the scousers, anyone who goes to/ went to the University of Liverpool will remember all of these things! Here are the 20 signs you go to the University of Liverpool!
1. The rivalry against John Moores and Hope
You’re attending a Russell Group university, you’re high in the league tables and you’ve used this to justify the constant snobbery towards people that attend John Moores and Hope. You consider yourself royalty and they are your peasants. This tactic is used when there’s any competition.
2. Trying to find a seat in the Sydney Jones nearly caused you to have a nervous breakdown
Everyday was a struggle trying to get a seat in the library. During exam period, you’ve got no chance. Turning up at 1pm? You might as well go back to bed. You’ve got more chance of winning the lottery than you have finding a seat in the in the Sydney Jones anytime after 11.
3. Taxi drives into town
You’d always get a taxi into town and it would only be £2 compared to your usual £10 at your hometown. You’d then have a chat with the Scouse taxi driver whose every other word was a swear. He’d be telling you in detail about the best places to go in Liverpool or about his personal life, that he was married to Sharon with two kids and supports Everton.
4. Raz Mondays
Going to Raz Mondays was an experience on it’s own. You knew to dress down because you didn’t want your dress and 7 inch heels to be ruined in the shit covered floor. You went to the bar to get 50p shots and the lethal “fat frogs”; a mix of different VK’s producing a bright green drink that was sure to make you feel a little queasy.
5. Trying to compete with the ridiculously fashionable international students
You’d crawl to your lecture in a plain top, primary jeans and some old trainers and probably hadn’t brushed your hair. You were met with 20 or 30 international students dressed in heels and accessorizing with Louis Vuitton handbags.
6. The food at Krunchy Fried Chicken Takeaway
You’d come back from town absolutely hammered and chicken and chips were calling. You’d stop off after every night out at Krunch Fried Chicken to indulge whilst making friends with the owner and telling him your life story.
7. The 699 into town was the best experience of your life
I mean what could be better than a bus full of drunk students shouting and cheering whilst downing echo falls wine? It was an experience you’d never forget, singing ‘Wonderwall’ in unison with your fellow freshers, waiting to get into town.
8. Showing resentment towards the people who lived in the luxury of Crown Place or Vine Court
Becky from your course lived in Crown Place and she bragged about her 3/4 bed and massive shower that she had all to her herself. You were filled with envy as you settled down into your single bed and used your shared bathroom of 6 that stunk of wee in Carnatic halls.
9. Finding out you had a 9am at the Eleanor Rathbone Building followed by a 10am at the Sherrington building
Let’s face it, they were about 10 miles apart and after a hefty night on the sesh, it was an effort to get from one to the other on time. Also, by the time you’d got there, you’d nearly gone into cardiac arrest because you were so out of breath.
10. The fear of going to a house party or visiting a friend in Kensington
Kensington was a pretty scary place, with burglaries pretty much everyday and with one of the highest crime rates in Liverpool, you shook with fear at the thought of having to venture out there in the dark and having to walk past anyone dodgy looking.
11. You loved the Beatles when you came, but by the end of first year, you’re pretty much sick to death of everything Beatles related
Everywhere you go, you can’t escape the Beatles. You’re walking down the street and the Beatles tour bus will come past you blasting Penny Lane.
12. Concert Square is pretty much the best place on planet earth
With it’s outdoor seating area and the various clubs surrounding it, Concert Square is the place to be. Whether it’s smoking shisha with you’re mates, clubbing in Soho and Modo or having a pint of Strongbow dark fruits on a sunny day, Concert Square is always buzzing.
13. Recognising who was a Acouser and who wasn’t
Especially for the women, Scousers stood out from a crowd. Every time you were in town, you always knew that the women with their hair in curlers, pyjamas on, bright orange tans and long fake pink nails were Scousers preparing for a big Saturday night out.
14. The Tequila section at Cava
Before hitting the clubs you’d head to Cava and try the different flavours of Tequila. The night hadn’t started before you’d downed a coffee or dandelion and burdock shot.
15. Feeling posh if you ate/drank at the Albert dock
The Albert Dock was the place to be.
16. Having a few bevies in Abercromby Square
As soon as it hit May time and the sun came out, it seemed like half of the Uni headed to Abercromby square to crack open a few cans of cider, sit in the sun and occasionally cook a few aldi burgers on a disposable barbecue.
17. Never quite knowing what exactly was inside the famous red brick building
You know that Liverpool’s ‘red brick building’ status had derived from the famous red brick building just before the main campus, but you’ve never been in it. No one is really sure how to get in it or what’s inside, but it’s a pretty picture.
18. Trying to understand the Scouse accent was like learning another language
When you first start at the University of Liverpool, Scousers seemed to have a whole different language and it was so difficult to understand the Scouse accent and Scouse words and phrases. You couldn’t quite come to terms with the fact that a bacon sandwich was known as a Bacon ‘barm cake’.
19. The Famous Catholic Cathedral aka Paddy’s Wigwam’
It had it’s own unique shape and it was amazing inside. If you had exams in the Crypt underneath the Cathedral, you know it looked a bit like a prison and it smelt rusty old.
20. You knew that Liverpool was the best place to live
With it’s fantastic nightlife, it’s cheapness, the friendly Scousers and the amazing historical background, you knew that you couldn’t live anywhere nicer than Liverpool and you were extremely sad when you had to leave.
Do you have any other signs you go to the University of Liverpool!? Share in the comments below!
Featured Image: weheartit