Uni Life

20 Signs You Go To St. Andrew’s University

Whether you’re currently attending St. Andrew’s University or reminiscing on your uni years, it’s clear that both the town and university definitely have their quirks. While St. Andrew’s University is a bit of a “bubble” as it is often described, it’s also full of traditions and habits to add to the charm of living in such a small town. If you are or have been a student here, you’ll definitely be familiar with some of the things on this list!

1. You probably have a photo on the pier

You don’t have to have been on a pier walk to take a standard pier photo. People usually flock here on visiting days or sunny days, typically with their red gowns in tow.

2. You’ve definitely walked along one of the three beaches

The great thing about living on the coast is that you’re surrounded by beaches. While these aren’t exactly the kind you’ll find on a tropical island, they’re still great for a stroll on warm days.

3. You find yourself constantly explaining what an academic family is

One of St. Andrew’s University’s biggest traditions is the concept of academic families, where third years “adopt” first years. So it’s hard not to confuse people who don’t go to the uni when you talk about your “son” or “brother”.

4. You know what shaving foam tastes like

Raisin Weekend is one of the biggest highlights of the year and culminates in a huge foam fight. If you go to St. Andrew’s university you’ve definitely been a victim of shaving foam face.

5. You’ve developed a strong loathing for seagulls

If you don’t feel like you’ve been personally victimised by a seagull when living in St. Andrew’s University, then you sure are lucky.

6. You swerve around the PH without even thinking

Yet another superstition that everybody buys into: stepping on the cobblestone PH will result in failed exams. So of course it’s become second nature to avoid that thing at all costs.

7. You’ve definitely found yourself at the Union on many a night

Somehow every night ends at the union. Whether you swore off the place during Freshers or are still coming back in your last year, there’s nothing quite like downing some Pablos at the Bop.

8. You’ve somehow found yourself in the sea at least once

Another tradition (seriously though, the uni is full of them) is running into the sea for May Dip. If you haven’t taken part in that, you’ve at least done a pier jump and found yourself in the water one way or another!

9. You have a wardrobe full of formal wear “just in case”

St Andrew’s University is definitely packed with events, and if you’re a student, you’ve definitely found yourself at a ball. It’s helpful to come prepared with a cocktail dress or two because you’ll never know when you might need it!

10. Speaking of which, you’ve braved the lines for the infamous Christmas Ball

The Christmas Ball might just be the event of the year, and you’ll definitely know what it’s like to be the lucky sucker who gets a ticket, as well as the poor soul who misses out.

11. You’ve attended at least one fashion show

The students at St. Andrew’s University are one fashionable bunch, so it’s no surprise that fashion shows are the highlights of the social calendar. Maybe you’ve even been blessed enough in the gene pool to walk in one of these shows!

12. You never leave your halls or flat without being prepared to bump into everyone you know

Because it’s such a small town, it’s almost impossible to go unseen during term time. That means you gotta look good all the time because you never know who you’ll bump into!

13. You’re wise enough to avoid shopping for clothing at the shops in town

If there’s one thing you learned during Freshers, it’s that you should never shop in the St. Andrew’s University H&M unless you want to turn up to lectures wearing the same top as seven other people…

See Also

14. You’re constantly cold or wet

Don’t even bother praying for the sun to show itself. St. Andrew’s University has two seasons: cold and dry or cold and rainy.

15. You know the exact times to avoid Tesco during the day

Avoid long lines from the high school kids at midday, and definitely don’t go between 4 and 7pm unless you want to be lining up the whole evening surrounded by all your peers and tutors.

16. You’re loyal to your late-night kebab shop

Everybody knows there’s only two places in town for your drunk food fix. The loyalties to either Dervish or Empire are strong, and you’ll find yourself in constant debates about which place is better.

17. People constantly ask you if you’ve met your prince yet

Unfortunately, not everyone can live out the fantasy that Will and Kate had, but that doesn’t stop all your relatives grilling you about your royal husband-to-be every time you come home.

18. You’ve mastered walking on cobblestones

You’re lying if you say you haven’t tripped on the cobblestones walking down any of the main streets. The great thing is, after a few weeks of living in St Andrew’s you develop a radar for avoiding the worst of them.

19. You’ve learned to balance a busy social calendar

Seriously though, is there ever a week where there’s not something going on in town? Balancing a busy work and social schedule becomes a piece of cake when you live in St Andrew’s.

20. You have friends from all over the world

One of the best parts about living in such a small university town is that you have plenty of opportunity to meet people from all corners of the world. You’ll definitely bag yourself a diverse group of friends while studying here!

Can you relate to these signs if you go to St. Andrew’s University? Let us know if we missed anything in the comments below!
Featured Image Source: www.unsplash.com
Rachel Abreu

Current student at University of St Andrews, Scotland. Obsessed with anything related to beauty, skin care and finding the perfect pair of jeans. Instagram: @rachelmarieabreu

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