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20 Signs You Go To Southampton Solent University

20 Signs You Go To Southampton Solent University

These are the definite signs you go to Southampton Solent University! Take a peak at these relatable traits of any alumni.

If you are currently a student at Southampton Solent University or have been, you will know going to the university is like a college campus, you are always seeing the same faces and it feels like everyone knows each other. We like it like this though and studying here offers so much fun and memories for a lifetime. So, here are 20 signs you go to Southampton Solent University!

The favoured meeting point:

If you attend Southampton Solent university you will have at least once met with a class mate or your house mate. You may be deciding to walk home together or meet before walking into a crowded lecture theatre. When texting back and forth you may find yourself saying; “Should we just meet at the spark?” Yes, the big red building is not hard to miss and often enough you see multiple students stood around waiting for a mate. If you go to Solent, you have definitely done this!


The familiar group:

If you go to Southampton Solent, you will know they are well known for their creative courses. You know you are approaching the university or in a favoured destination of students when you see a merge of red walking towards you. Or more commonly known as the sport’s students. Yes, the red kit isn’t hard to miss and is a clear stamp of Solent University’s identity. If you haven’t got the sports team in your eye view, it will more than likely be the makeup students with their makeup kits. At least we aren’t hard to miss!

The busy café:

At least once, Solent students are going to use the spark café. You may be trying to grab a quick bite in between lectures or a drink during your break. However, this quick stop isn’t often as quick as you would hope. The small café and long que of hungry students isn’t the best combination and more often than not if you don’t get their before twelve, they have run out of the meal you were hoping for. Jacket potato anyone?

The parks:

If you attend Solent, whether you were in halls or trying to walk from town you would have walked through a park at some point, for many an everyday occurrence. The dreaded park walk is where you see faces from the club the night before or friends of friends of friends. This is where you decide to smile or put your head down and walk on.


The planned walk:

Southampton Solent is a spread-out university. At least once you have laid in bed thinking how late you can leave leaving depending on your required building. The worst feeling each student has bound to have felt is being at one building and thinking “Do I really have the energy to walk to the other building, for an hour lecture?” Each time you have that class. It is a familiar pain for us all, trust me.

The disappointing night out:

If you like to club and go to Solent, it is likely you have attended the Chocolate factory at Café Parfait, the first time you went most probably built anticipation of mountains of free chocolate, sweets and more. Only to be met by the few odd sweets dotted along the bar. Not the Willy Wonka experience anticipated.

University Pride:

It is likely you have been stood in a night club que, tipsy waiting for entry. You and your friends start chatting and meet Southampton University students. This then kick starts the debate of who is the better university until you get entry into the club. Who knew you could be so protective over Solent university? These are the signs you go to Southampton Solent University!


Forgetting to swipe:

At Solent, bringing your card to each lesson is a commitment. Either you have sat down and forgot to swipe, have it and are too lazy to swipe or, you just haven’t brought it at all. After weeks of this, you then realise your attendance is at 10 percent and you are emailing with the university that you were actually present. It was just easier to swipe to begin with wasn’t it?

Deciding on the big event:

If you attend Solent, it is likely you have attended an event or thought about a switch event show casing a celebrity or DJ. You and your flat mates will be sat around debating whether you all want to part with £20. These are the decisions we have to make as Solent students.

The student area:

If you are a second or third year student, it is likely after halls you will move to the Bedford place area. A truly student dominated area with the local Sainsburys making a small fortune from vodka and coke being purchased at the regular. If you have ever lived here, you know the Bedford Arms is the first point call of any good night out. A pitcher to myself? Yes please!


Club promoters everywhere:

Whether you are in your halls and promoters have come to your flat or standing outside the university library we have all experienced the question of “Are you going out tonight?” You then stand and think: how do I say no or, good call, maybe I should ask the group for a mid-week sesh. Either way, you end up giving them your name and a groups size of fifteen just for good measure, even though there will be no more than six of you.

Computer crisis:

It’s deadline week, you have 3000 words due and you drag yourself to the library. Prior to arrival you feel proud of your last-minute motivation. Only for it to be destroyed by a sea of hundreds of students taking every computer. Back home to bed you most probably go. These are the signs you go to Southampton Solent University!

Starbucks stop:

Walking into the spark you have woken late and haven’t grabbed your morning coffee. Your lecture on the top floor is due to start. But coffee wins, you wait in the fifteen-minute que and walk into your lecture with a coffee in hand. It was worth it though?


The city centre trip:

Fortunately, if you attend Solent you will know how close the city centre is to the university. Although, this isn’t always a great thing. You will be sat in a lecture thinking of those shoes you want. It springs to mind if you pop in now you will avoid the crowds at the weekend. Not great for your attendance but great for your convenience.

See Also


The dreaded station walk:

At some point you are likely to go home, most likely by train. Prior to leaving you will think of the dreaded walk over the long hill. This is where you sit and think If your over draft can get you a quick lift by Uber to the station to save your legs. I don’t blame you! These are the signs you go to Southampton Solent University!

The VIP experience:

Most probably you have sat with your friends discussing if you should all venture out in search of the golden banana for a free VIP club experience that night. Most likely you go searching, do not find it and still end up attending paying money for standard entry. These are the signs you go to Southampton Solent University!


The big decisions we have to make:

Luckily in Southampton, there are club nights nearly every night. It is likely you sit with your friends discussing your destination of choice. Student’s at Solent do have search hard life choices to make!

Food after the big night out:

Standing in Oceana’s disco room, you are dancing to Dolly Parton’s 9-5 with a vodka in hand where you find your mind trail of to the thought of McDonalds. You ponder, and then inform your group it’s food time, you most probably spend thirty minutes wondering to McDonald’s- the drunken walk was worth it though.

Rivalry between halls:

As a first year, you most probably had rivalry with other friends on who had the best halls and why. Most likely over who had the best bed rooms and who was in the best location. These are the signs you go to Southampton Solent University!


Dominoes for the win:

It is almost definite as a Solent university student you have used a discount code at least once. Who doesn’t love cheaper pizza?

Which of these signs you go to Southampton Solent University do you relate to? Let us know if you have experienced any of these things in the comments below.

Featured Image: weheartit