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20 Signs You Go To Middlesex University

20 Signs You Go To Middlesex University

Middlesex University is a unique school with a lot to offer to its students. Here are some signs that show you're definitely a student there.

I’m sure every university is relatively the same, but every university has it’s own individual quirks. It’s the little things that make it special, and they may be completely unique to you. But, there are thing’s that every university student will understand, and then there’s things which are distinctive to your particular university. Here are 20 signs that you go to Middlesex University.

1. The Library Is Always Busy

Middlesex university is renowned for it’s library. There’s different floors for different subjects – and you’d think people would stick to their floor…wouldn’t you? No. For some reason, everybody wants to study (I say ‘study’ very, very loosely) on the arts and design floor. Which, can I add, is already jam packed as it is. One time I had to sit on the floor…literally.

2. You Hate Greyhound Hill

Greyhound hill. Ugh, it still sends shivers down my spine. Greyhound hill, is basically, a hill. But, not any hill – a very steep hill. The kind of hill that makes you sweat, the kind that gets your heart racing. Walking from halls was an absolute dread of a lifetime. Every morning you had to climb, what I would say mount everest, before you even had the chance to have your second cup of coffee. Theres no need to use the university gym, just live in Platt halls and walk up Greyhound hill (Mount Everest*) every morning.


3. Everyone Knows Everyone on Their Course

Especially art and design courses, and creative courses in general, they are fairly small courses. As they are small, everybody knows each other. Which, I would say is beneficial to the students on that course. It makes it more of a comfortable and familiar surrounding, and allows support and encouragement through everybody’s time at university.

4. Everybody Helps Each Other

One thing I can definitely say about Middlesex university, is how friendly everyone is. If you’re in the library and you’re struggling with something, whether that be the printers or finding a book – someone will always be there to help, no questions asked.

5. Deadline Day

You can always tell when deadline days are approaching, literally every study spot in the university is full, coffee queues are even longer and everyone is in one mad stress. But, one nice thing about it is that everybody has them together; you can stress together, worry together and even cry together.


6. The Clad

We all know alcohol is fundamental when trying to survive university. And at Middlesex, we have a local pub called, The Clad. Cheap drinks and cheap food is the perfect place for university students. We not only need a strong drink when deadline day’s are approaching, but we need one, erm…daily?

7. Library Staff Are Your Best Friends

One thing I personally love about Middlesex university is the staff, and in particular the library staff. You know you’re a regular when the library assistant is basically your best friend. They help you through thick and thin, no exaggeration – they save lives.


Unihub is the place to go if you need help with something, something goes wrong or you just need advice. But, theres two types of people at Middlesex. You either spend your life waiting in the unihub waiting room, remaining there until your number is finally read out. Or, you’ll spend three years at Middlesex and you won’t have been to unihub once. Its a 50/50 draw.


9. The Quad

The quad is the famous common area within Middlesex University (Hendon campus). It’s where everyone can work together in a lively, fun and stress-free environment. Friends can catch up over coffee, enjoy their lunch break listening to music or you can simply go there to study (when the library is too full, which is always).

10. You Have Friends From All Over The World

One of the most exciting things about attending university in London is the people you meet. You meet so many new and interesting people at university, and you learn so much about them and other cultures, which I think is crucial when at university. It opens your eyes to different ways of living and you learn a lot from the people you meet. It’s important to have friends that believe in different things to you, it can teach you things you never knew (even about yourself).

11. No-one Knows Where Hendon Is

Middlesex University have different campus’, which are located around the world. But the leading campus in London is located in, Hendon. Which I might add, may as well not exist. When explaining where you go to uni is harder than the actual degree you’re currently studying, you know its in the middle of basically, no-where. Although, to give it some credit; it is on the northern line, it is near Wembley and it does have a KFC (that’s all that matters, right?)


12. Independance Day

One things for sure, not only if you attend Middlesex University, but if you attend any London based university, even if you don’t want it, you get your independence within a second of being there. There’s no baby sitting at London universities, and especially Middlesex. You are expected to stand on your own two feet, starting from your very first day. Don’t get me wrong, help and guidance is given where your work is concerned – work tutorials go without saying. But, the day you attend Middlesex University, is the day you become completely independent.

13. London Is Your Playground

Attending Middlesex University gives you endless opportunities to explore the amazing city that is, London. It is encouraged and supported that you use your surroundings to your advantage. ‘Popping into the city’ becomes a regular thing to us Middlesex attendees. It is the total norm when living in London, and Middlesex gives you the perfect opportunity to do so.

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14. Subway Obsession

Now I know I said the coffee queues were bad, but, once it hits, well…sunrise, there are people queueing at Subway. If theres one thing to know about Middlesex University, its the obsession we all have with Subway. If you want to grab a quick sandwich, then you might wanna’ take a ride out into central to pick yourself up some lunch, it will probably be quicker (it will definitely be quicker).

15. The Student Union

The student union is always a cheep and cheerful place to spend your time. Its easy to catch up with friends or even meet new ones. Theres loads of things to do, from pool tables too televisions – you’ll always find something in the Middlesex student union. But, lets be honest, we only go for the half price beer.

16. Middlesex Is Doin’ It For The Gram

At Middlesex, we have an outside area which is perfect for studying in the sun (or should I say relaxing). It’s the perfect place to chill out between lectures, or a place you can relax while having your lunch. Theres beautiful blossom trees lining the pathway, which obviously make the prettiest pictures (doin’ it for the gram, Middlesex – as always).


17. Christmas At Middlesex

Without a doubt, and I’m sure everyone will agree with me when I say that christmas is the most wonderful time of the year. At Middlesex, they make it extra special. Every year, located in the quad, there is a christmas market. Theres homemade gifts (for those last minute I-forgot-about-grandma presents), christmas food and even, Reindeer (yes, Reindeer, on the quad). Middlesex go above and beyond to make the run up to christmas as magical and exciting as they can.

18. You Spend More Time In The Grove Than Your Own Home

The grove is a building where the majority of creative courses get taught. When I say this, I’m speaking on behalf of all creative students at Middlesex University, the grove may as well be your second home. I mean, you spend more time napping in the pods than you do in your own bed (especially when deadlines are approaching) and you’re on first name basis with the grove cafe staff. Actually, scrap second home, it is your home.

19. Coffee Craze

No matter how many coffee shops there are on campus, you can guarantee people will be queuing out of the door all-day every-day. Wanna grab a quick caffeine fix before your 9am lecture? I don’t think so (unless you arrive half an hour before). It’s busy on a normal day, don’t get me started on deadline day’s…


20. You Still Don’t Know Your Way Round

You could have been attending Middlesex University five minutes or five years, you still wouldn’t know where everything was. You are assigned a new seminar room, and you miss half of the seminar trying to find the room that its in. Its not necessarily even that big, but just, confusing? (Or are my friends and I just, stupid?)

Are you currently studying at Middlesex University? Or have you even graduated from Middlesex? Let us know in the comments below!
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