20 Signs You Go To Coventry University

So, you’ve been attending (or are about to, hello to all the freshers!) Coventry University. Whether you’ve been at the place for the duration of your degree, or you’re just starting out some of the most memorable years of your life, here’s 20 things you’ve definitely done/thought if you go to Coventry University.
1. You’ve been (or will inevitably go to) the infamous Kasbah.
Or, as the locals call it, ‘Colly’. You may haven’t had the pleasure of seeing the number one choice (really the only decent choice, sorry JJ’s!) of nightclub Coventry has to offer. A group visit to Kasbah following too many at pres is a through and through sign that you go to Coventry University.
2. On that note, you mildly panicked when you thought they were closing down.
Woe the day. Here’s looking forward to the new refurb and the many drunken nights to come with it.
3. You had an unbreakable pride for your halls during the Freshers Bar Crawl.
Singer Halls, Liberty, those other halls I swear nobody actually seems to live in. (No offence Calice, Priory and Quadrant!) You were likely on the bar crawl pissing off the locals whilst befriending drunk people you never ended up speaking to or seeing after this wild week. Screaming hall names are a sure sign that you go to Coventry University. Let everyone know about it!
4. You’ve questioned the replacement of Gulson’s Car Park for the Engineering Building expansion.
I mean, it’s the easiest, and probably cheapest option, for student parking. How we’ll miss finding parking this close to the campus. RIP Gulson Car Park.
5. You get really excited when the Pet Therapy dogs make a visit to the library.
This might just be me, but when the library’s Twitter account posts about the dogs making a visit and booking your spot, the stress of all your work just seems to melt away.
6. You’ve tried to check out The Quids Inn and what it’s actually like there and if it’s truly a ‘students only’ venue.
Is it actually a student only place? I swear I’ve gotten in with just my regular ID, while my student card left at home next to the strewn makeup and leftover vodka lemonade on my desk.
7. Somebody’s made the joke that CUMoodle is basically pronounced ‘cum-oodle’ to you.
I mean, it could be? Though we have a pretty unfortunate name for this purpose, I’m pretty sure we just call it ‘Moodle’.
8. You’ve wondered how long the hallways in the James Starley building are.
Do they ever end?
9. You’ve been shocked at the Freshers wristband increase.
I swear it was £40. And now it’s £70?! I apologise to my poor bank account in advance.
10. You struggle to pick an Add+Vantage module that won’t bore you to death.
Except all the NHS people and those in engineering, who get a free pass on this one. As we’re one of the only unis who run these modules, it’s a definite sign that you go to Coventry University.
11. You’ll want to go out in Birmingham, but it won’t be a feasible option.
You can have pres at yours and then head to Broad Street, sure. But that 1AM train curfew makes the journey far less appealing. Getting smashed may cost a £50 taxi home, when that could be better spent on three bottles of vodka and mixers.
12. The Coventry Christmas Lights Switch-On is sort of underwhelming to you.
Fleur East and Conor Maynard? There was that one guy who was dancing in a balloon or something? It’s a spectacle to gather for, that’s for sure.
13. You’ve probably posed for a picture in front of the fountain in the centre of town.
It’s probably a Freshers thing? Who knows.
14. You attempted to go ice-skating, even just the once, on Student Wednesdays.
But the walk felt like a lot and you got tired of going in circles after an hour or so.
15. We’re the people who’ve won Modern University of the Year Award a few times now.
However, see below. What does that even mean if the city doesn’t really exist?
16. People literally don’t know that we actually go to university in Coventry, and will ask you why you even picked it.
The response will be something like “Yeah, nice campus there! Lots of students, and it’s actually won Modern University of the Year a few times!” But maybe less enthusiastic than that.
17. You’ve been invited via announcement on Moodle to take part in those free language classes and still refuse to sign up.
They’re free, you’re only planning to sit in your room in PJs and binge Netflix anyway, and you still won’t go. Moodle advertisers have no hold on you!
18. Creams has come up as an idea for a group lunch date.
Best starve yourself all day to get in the mood for this one. You’ll never finish that sundae otherwise.
19. A group BBQ on the one day it was nice in the summer at Coombe Abbey Park happened.
And you burnt the grass by accident with your disposable BBQ from Wilkos.
20. You’re confused why Coventry University does their graduation in November, not July/August.
I know for a fact the majority of us finished in April/May. Even the NHS people finished placement in July. It’s a sure sign that you go to Coventry University. Can we just get our sub-par degrees already?!