City Life

20 Signs You Definitely Grew Up In Sheffield

Sheffield is a special place, from the catch phrases to never running out of Henderson’s Relish. Read on for 20 signs you definitely grew up in Sheffield!

1. Calling a round piece of bread a ‘breadcake’…

And arguing the fact with anyone who isn’t from Sheffield. It’s the perfect name for it as it is bread in the shape of a cake. It is a breadcake and always will be!

2. Grimacing whenever anybody mentions anything remotely associated with Leeds…

Or London/the South. There is just a rivalry here, it doesn’t need to be discussed, you just know to respond negatively (roll your eyes, tut, sigh) whenever these places are mentioned to you.

3. All of the fun of Centertainment…

Including the nightmare of parking. But it’s worth it. A giant cinema, mini golf, laser quest, Monkey Bizness and a huge amount of well known restaurants al in one easily accessible spot – who wouldn’t want to grow up with this in their city?

4. Being unusually protective over stainless steel…

We are the steel city for a reason. (Don’t fight us over this!)

5. Day trips to Skegness and Cleethorpes…

Those were the days…packing up the car for a trip to the beach and a ride on a donkey. You obviously preferred ‘Skeg Vegas’ to Cleethorpes, but it didn’t take as long to get to Cleethorpes so you could be on the beach quicker!

6. Becoming accustomed to seeing elephants all over the city centre… and missing them when they were gone…

Artists designed elephant statues and they were placed in every nook and cranny of the city centre… until they were auctioned off for charity that is.

7. You have definitely been to Whirlow Farm and Western Park Museum at least once in your primary school education…

Or maybe Heeley Farm or Filey. Nevertheless Sheffield was and still is a great place to go to primary school because there are several opportunities for school trips.

8. Being strangely overprotective over a sauce…

Just ask a Sheffielder what they put on their pie. If they put a sauce on it, I guarantee you that sauce will be Henderson’s Relish. You just can’t eat a pie without it!

9. Referring to a nearby shopping centre as ‘MeadowHELL’…

And trust me, Meadowhall definitely deserves this nickname. A massive shopping centre with lots of brilliant shops, a cinema and an ‘Oasis’ dining area sounds like all fun and games… just go once. I dare you.

10. Knowing the view around Meadowhall has never been the same since 2008…

When they decided to knock down Tinsley Towers (a pair of cooling towers). R.I.P, you will be forever missed…

11. You have been to Ponds Forge more times than you can count, but going to Hillsborough Leisure Centre was a treat…

You went with your parents, you went with your friends, and you went with other relatives. Yes, I’m talking about Ponds Forge – you were always jealous of the kids bouncing on the trampolines as you made your way down the steps to the changing rooms. But Hillsborough Leisure Centre was a real treat! All those awesome slides and a pool that looks like the sea with a boat on it? Fun fun fun!

12. Seeing a Greggs everywhere you turn in the City Centre…

Have a walk around the city centre and tally how many Greggs you come across. You will come across one every five minutes (or less) of walking.

13. Watching Shops move onto The Moor following the Markets…

And there are three Greggs just on The Moor!

See Also

14. West Street. That’s all I have to say…

Seriously if you have been a student or know a student in Sheffield, I really don’t have to say anything else about it.

15. Having choices with public transport…

You’re not just limited to the but in Sheffield. Nope. You have a choice. You could use the Supertram!

16. Talking in Gibberish…

Also known as the Yorkshire accent including the slang that comes with it. Only those from Yorkshire can understand a word you say.

17. Your Mum (or another relative) has said at least one of these phrases…

“Were you born in a barn?” “Leave ‘em they’ve got face on.” “Stop being mardy.” “It looks like Balckpool illumination in ‘ere!”

18. Owls vs. Blades…

Even if you don’t support football, you are obliged to take your dad’s side and join in with the rivalry of the two football teams; Owls (Sheffield Wednesday) and Blades (Sheffield United).

19. Spending summer days at the Peace Gardens…

And running through the fountains to cool off. You have done this at least once. Peace Gardens have also become popular every summer when “Sheffield By The Seaside” set up their pretend beach, huts and DJ in the summer hotspot.

20. “I love you, will you marry me?”

Every Sheffielder will think of this phrase when Park Hill flats are mentioned. It was graffitied on the side of a bridge and then transformed into neon lights in the same spot that light up at night.

Do you have any other signs you grew up in Sheffield? Let us know in the comments below!
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