10 Signs You Are A Night Person

I’m not a morning person, I have never been. Since I was a child, I always had an insane hate against the morning. On the contrary, I have always been fascinated about nights. Growing up, this condition has just intensified. However, I’m not alone: the people of the night are a big group!
What about you? Is the morning your worst nightmare? During the night do you feel invincible? In the meanwhile we hope that the rest of the world just adapt to our lifestyle, check on these signs of being a night person and see if you find yourself with them. Read on, dear night owls!
1. In the night your are more productive
You are not the kind of person that if he has something to do, he does in the daytime. Doesn’t matter if it is a work, an email or a school assignment. Lots of time you promise to yourself to wake up early the next morning for completed your tasks, but, with all the efforts, it’s never going to happen. Night is just your natural habitat! With some coffee or a nice beer to support you, you will be able to be up till sunrise to reach your deadlines. After all, in particular in the case of writing or creative works, when the sun goes down, your inspiration goes up!
2. Waking up early in the morning is like a torture
For you every time the alarm rings it’s like a nightmare. That sound is your worst enemy. Of course, you hate morning with every cell of your body! You don’t care to waste half of the day. After all, a night person knows that his day is going to finish late, very late! For this reason, you always try to schedule your appointments after lunch. Although your efforts, sometimes you are obliged to face the world in the first horrible hours of the day. Plus, if 9 am is considered already very early, before that time is an illegal request for your body!
3. Doesn’t matter what time it is, waking up is always very difficult!
Waking up for a night person is always a struggle. Indeed, leaving your cozy and cuddly bed is never an easy mission. It’s not important if it’s rainy or sunny outside, sleeping the morning away is the best thing that you can ask for. Whatever time the clock signs, you are aware that waking up means spreading out your inner night owl warrior. You don’t feel absolutely guilty to stay in the dreams world till 2 pm. Because you don’t care what time it is, since there is still sun outside it’s not your time yet!
4. You are sleepy all day
Since you go to sleep very late, you will be tired all day. You don’t understand how people can talk and act like humans at the beginning of the day. What is your secret, early birds? Even though, for you it’s really difficult being sociable and active till the sun goes down. For this, coffee is the best mate of every night person. Every moment is the right one for a cappuccino or an espresso. An obliged break for trying to find at the bottom of the cup your will to live!
5. During the night you have lots of energy
If a night owl passes all the day complaining of how he is tired, yawning and dreaming the moment in which his head will lay down on his beloved pillow, when the night starts everything changes. Your energies are never been so high. Even if you want to relax, you just can’t. You feel that you can do everything, expect sleeping obviously! The night is the moment in which the best part of yourself comes out. Why is the society based on morning person criteria? That’s not fair!
6. You can’t understand who go to run in the morning
Really guys, how can you do? If for a night person just the act to leave his bed and fight with the morning air on his face is like a torture, practicing sport is really unthinkable. I think that if I will have just half of the willpower of people that go to run before going to work, I will have already achieved all my life goals. For not talking about those mad who go jogging at 7 am in their day off. Also afternoon is a right time for working out, trust me!
7. You can’t go to sleep before 2 am
As said before, when the sun go to sleep, every night person simply awake. Doesn’t matter how sleepy and grumpy you was during the daytime, passing 9 pm your battery starts to work properly. Indeed, even if you have had a super stressing day at work and you are exhausted, your brain doesn’t want to switch off. Inexorably, you will watch your phone for discovering that it signs already 2 am. Again! Well, night owl fellows, also tonight we will sleep tomorrow!
8. Netflix is your best friend while everybody else is sleeping
Another main characteristic of a night person is his addiction to TV series. He has already watched everything as soon as it comes out. Of course, he easily starts and ends a season in one or two nights. If for other people watching TV is a way to fall asleep, for you no, it’s your night friend that keep you awake as well as company till early morning. God bless Netflix!
9. You love eat and come back to sleep
Sometimes it happens that you naturally open your eyes, even if you are not actually ready to start your day. When are you?! I personally wake up just because I’m hungry. When this occurs, it’s difficult carry on sleeping. The hunger pangs are too strong for doing that! However, do you know what is the best thing ever? Wake up, fill your belly with some nice food and come back to your bed. Undoubtedly, my favourite!
10. Long life to the nap!
When people say “I don’t like napping, it makes me feel more tired”, you can’t stop thinking how it’s possible for them not to appreciate these little joys of life. For a night person a nap is vital! You can fall asleep everywhere. Indeed, you don’t mind too much taking a bus or underground for going to work. On the contrary, that will be the best moment of your work day, where you can carry on your interrupted sleep.