8 Signs That You’ve Left the Honeymoon Phase in Your Relationship

Ah, love, romance, relationships – isn’t it all magical? Well, it certainly is during the honeymoon phase! This is the period when the relationship is new and perfectly rosy, and as a result, so is the world around you. The other person can do no wrong – you gaze into each other’s eyes with sheer love and affection, speaking softly and agreeing on everything. And then one unassuming day, the relationship moves on to the seasoned phase and the honeymoon phase quickly comes to an end. The world stops looking so rosy and instead, it goes back to dreary normality. If you’re struggling to see the signs that you and your other half have left the honeymoon phase, here are 8 signs that you’ve left the honeymoon phase in your relationship!
1) The Sex Goes from Wild to Mild
In a new relationship, things are hot, heated and heavy; all you both want to do is have sex here, there and everywhere, in as many different locations and positions as you can possibly fit into a day – every day! This sure does change when the honeymoon phase is over. The 24/7 sexual engagement and experiments come to an end and instead, you find yourselves tired and moody at the end of a long day and the extent of wild lovemaking is curling up on the sofa and watching EastEnders. Fun.
2) Let the Farting Marathons Begin
Farting is an obvious and well known social faux pas. Considering this function is unpleasant both to the ears and the nose, it is not difficult to comprehend why. This is why you don’t let the gas rip during the honeymoon phase of your relationship; you behave like the perfect gentleman or lady, not knowing the meaning of the word fart, let alone partaking in the act. This changes later on when you’re both completely comfortable with each other and care more about repose than manners.
3) Nightwear: Less Sexy and More Comfortable
Sexy underwear? What sexy underwear! The honeymoon phase is when you whip out all of your best lingerie, slipping it on seductively and making sure your skin is perfectly soft, supple and fragrant and your makeup is on point. When you’re satisfied that you look the part of a sex goddess, you crawl over sensually from the foot of your bed and wait for the magic to ensue, using your tantalising charms to move things along. Once you leave the honeymoon phase of your relationship, you couldn’t care less about wearing uncomfortable, over-priced lingerie to bed, for the sole purpose of getting lucky. Instead, you climb clumsily into your favourite onesie and jump hastily into bed.
4) The Arguments!
When you’re in the loved-up mushy honeymoon phase of your relationship, you barely argue, primarily because – through the rose-tinted goggles you’re wearing – the other person looks like a perfect angel who can do no wrong. Any arguments that do occur at this time are soppy and cute, ending with soft kisses, comforting cuddles and slow, make-up sex. However, once the fog is lifted, the narrative changes and the rampant arguments begin; suddenly, everything quickly goes from 0 to 100 and the other person is always in the wrong, and they simply must accept that fact!
5) Date Nights No More
Date nights are a thing of the past once you’ve left the honeymoon phase. The romantic candlelit dinners by the canal-side and the fun trampolining dates are a distant memory to the seasoned couple. Now, you spend your evenings cleaning up and doing dishes or having ‘romantic’ dinners at home. You’d be lucky to go out on a proper date once a month!
6) The Weirdness Begins!
In a new relationship, you both hide all the weird aspects of yourself that you feel would be off-putting to the other person. All your crazy weirdness remains suppressed. Instead, you portray a ‘normal’ image; doing your ‘The Mask’ impression is an absolute NO-NO! This only lasts until you’re comfortable with each other, after which the weirdness is confidently released from the shadows into the light for your partner to see!
7) Breakups and Make-ups
The nature of relationships is that they take work. Most of the time, that is fine, but once in a while, you have a particularly bad argument or a misunderstanding and BAM! The breakup talk begins. You remain broken up for a grand total of a day before you both realise you were being petty and make-up once again. This cycle is never ending!
8) The Bickering is Relentless!
Whilst nothing about the other person annoys you during the honeymoon phase, just about everything seems to hit a nerve once you’re a seasoned couple. This can only mean one thing; relentless bickering. Non-Stop. All the time. Wherever you are, and whatever you’re doing.