Unfortunately, when we start to have a major crush on someone we can often start believing that the feeling is mutual when in reality it’s not! So, what do we do when we’ve spent so much time questioning our devotion and feelings to the point that it becomes confusing and more of a negative than an exciting thing? After all, romance is supposed to be filled with exciting possibilities, which is why we have put a list together of ten signs that you are being lead on, so you can tell if that person of interest is really into you or not.
This one’s frustrating, especially in the new era of online messaging with the ability to track if someone’s read your message. So, you’ve decided to start talking to that person online and you’re unsure about whether they are really flirting with you or not. If you’re getting short replies, left on seen or having it not seen at all without a reply then the signs that you are being lead on by that person is extremely likely. If the person you’re into is relatively confident then they will make the mutual effort in having a conversation with you online and will make the time. If they don’t and just keep dodging your messages or leave blunt replies, then it’s best just to trash the conversation altogether and move on.
If you hang around the person you like often whether it’s in your social circle or in the workplace then they will make you feel like you are there. There’s no use in chasing after somebody who doesn’t make the effort to talk to you to a point where you feel left out or ignored. On certain days they’ll make you feel like you are a part of the circle and then on most days, they make you feel ignored. This is one of the main signs that you are being lead on. If this happens then you are definitely being lead on. If they’re really that into you, they’ll make you feel good all of the time and not when they pick and choose. That means you’ve got to move on and find someone willing to make as much effort as you would.
Sometimes people like to play games and try to get as much attention from people as they can to boost their ego, and unfortunately, that might be your person of interest. Once they grasp that you’re interested in them then they may be the type to make you jealous just for the fun of it. These are the kind of people you need to avoid because it rarely ends well. If they tell you that they’re interested and ending up dating other people in the process, then the likelihood is, is that they really aren’t interested. They’re just using you as a pawn in another shelf of mind games to impress their friends and boost their ego’s. Avoid these people at all costs and move on, fast!
If your crush sleeps around, then it’s best to get out of what you’re feeling about that person right now because it’s definitely not meant to be. The type to sleep around don’t have an interest in long-term relationships and no matter what you can provide him/her it will never be enough until they can change. That type of change takes a long time! It’s really not worth it to be wasting your time on someone who can’t stay loyal or just wants ‘fun’, you deserve better and better will come, but for now just leave it and move on!
Unfortunately, when we want our friends to meet the person we keep on talking about, things can become complicated when it happens. Your person of interest can’t help themselves and they flirt with your friends, your friends take it well and you’re the on the receiving end and the one that’s feeling bad at the end of the day. Not only is this one of the signs you are being lead on, this could cause friction in friendships. It gives your person of interest a kick that satisfies their ego, especially if they know you have a crush on them. In this case, these are signs that you are being lead on. They know the chaos it will cause and unfortunately there are people in this world that attract drama everywhere they go because they purposely create it. Leave your person of interest and take your friends with you as far away from him/her as you can before they cause any more damage!
What happens if you find out your crush is in a relationship or you already know but try your best anyway? Well, there’s only one answer for these two questions and that is that it’s extremely unlikely that you’re ever going to get a chance if they are already attending to somebody else. At the end of the day, you are not their first choice and you are worth more than to be left as a second choice. Nobody wants to be the ‘other woman’ or in other cases the ‘other man’. Its time swallow your feelings and move on to somebody who is single because you might just waste precious time waiting around for that other person to become single again if they ever do…
So, you’ve been seeing somebody on and off for a few months now, only seeing them every so often? Well, that’s probably because they only see you as a little bit of ‘fun’ when they get horny or bored. In the process, you’re sitting there thinking about them while weeks are passing by without hardly talking to them or seeing them. This is when it’s time to realise that it’s not going to work out because if they were really into you, they’d be making a whole lot more effort than just once every few months. The switch should always be turned on, so to avoid being lead on any longer, switch it off for him/her and find someone who’s worth your time!
One of the signs that you are being lead on is secrecy! There’s nothing worse than somebody that makes you feel like a stranger in public and a best friend in person. Living in two different worlds is confusing and no one wants to feel that way, so drop that immediately! If they really like you then they will be the same way towards you in public than how they are in private and won’t dodge you. That means they are ashamed about something when there is no need to feel that way in the first place. It’s best just to move on and dodge them in public and in private!
You’ve managed to make plans with your person of interest and it’s all going well until you turn up and then you wait, and they don’t show up. This is a huge red flag and one of many signs that you are being lead on. Only half an hour into when you’re supposed to meet them do they text saying they can’t make it because they just don’t feel like it anymore or they’re going to see one of their other friends. This can make you feel bad and of course there might be an actual reason why they can’t make it, but if they keep on doing it to you repeatedly and making up excuses then you’re better of finding someone else who’ll mean what they say and say what they mean to avoid the signs that your are being lead on.
Something else to look out for is the whole giving up and coming back thing that people usually do when they realise that you’re getting over them. They think they have you wrapped around their finger whilst you’ve found a way to get loose and move on. So, they come back to you and say that there think there could be a future there when really, they just like the attention and nothing more. You have everything to give while they don’t, which is why when this happens it’s best to say no because it’s unlikely a meaningful relationship will be the outcome!
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