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10 Signs It’s Time To Quit Your Job

10 Signs It’s Time To Quit Your Job

If you are feeling really down about your job, take a look at these signs it’s time to quit your job! Although it is scary, your happiness is worth it!

We all at some times in our lives feel the pressure to get a job. Any job at some times. Whether that’s because you have commitments, maybe you’re desperately trying to save up for that trip of a lifetime or you’re graduating from university and it’s time to get that adult job. #Gasp! But that doesn’t necessarily you should be settling for a job that leaves you uninspired, bored and waiting for the day to end. That is no way to live, so here are 10 signs it’s time to quit your job.

1. You’re counting down the hours until it’s home time

You’ve just stepped through the door of your job and your gaze immediately goes to your watch as you count down the hours until you finish. Just 9 hours to go until you can get in to your pjs and switch on Netflix. That is definitely not okay. You should love what you’re doing, so if you’re feeling this way, it is definitely one of the signs it’s time to quit your job.

2. You dread going to work in the morning

E very time your alarm goes off, a feeling of dread just wraps around you. You want to do nothing but turn your alarm off and go straight back to sleep.


3. You feel bored all the time

Whenever you’re at work, there is nothing keeping you entertained. Clockwatching and checking Instagram is the only thing that keeps you from falling asleep at your job. A definite sign you should quit your job.

4. You’re not learning anything new

You want to be in a job where you’re currently learning new things, how to deal with different situations and growing as a person. When none of that is happening, and your creative juices aren’t being used, it’s time to find a job that does that and so much more. You’ll be happier in the long run.

5. You’re personal goals don’t match with the companies

Is this a place you feel investing late nights, early starts and maybe even weekends to get what you want? Are you willing to travel and commit to this job? If the answer is no then you know what to do. This is definitely one of the big signs it’s time to quit your job!


6. You feel physically, emotionally or mentally exhausted all the time

Everyone’s job can be tiring and stressful at times. But it shouldn’t be sucking the life out of you, whether that’s mentally, emotionally or physically. You want a job that is invigorating, and if it’s not, then it’s time to find the right job for you.

7. You’re counting down the days until your next day off

We all look forward to having days off, everyone gets that Friday feeling. But to constantly wait for your next day is no way to live and a sure sign to quit your job.

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8. You don’t care whether you’re performing to your best ability.

Everyone wants to do well in their job, they want to thrive and succeed. When you go to a job you can’t stand, you lack any motivation to achieve and do well, and that’s not a way to live. Find a job you want to succeed and ditch this one.

9. You don’t get on with your boss.

Now we’re not saying you should be best friends with your boss. But you should at least have a good working relationship that’s filled with respect. If you dread seeing them, hate having to contact them or feel uncomfortable around them then you should not be in that job.

10. You just know its time.

You know in your way when it’s time to quit a job. You’re feelings are the best way to tell you when it’s time to leave, and if this list resonates with you then you know what you should do. What will make you happier, because we all deserve that.


Go out and find a job that you love and trust us, you’ll love life that bit more.

Are there any other signs it’s time to quit your job you can think of? Let us know in the comments below!

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