It’s the one truth we all hate hearing more than anything else: he’s just not into you. We hear it on television, read it in books and even tell it to our best friends. Even when everything appears to be going smoothly and everything is fine and dandy, and you can see no logical reason why the person you like wouldn’t be into you. The sad truth is that this can come out of nowhere and end your blossoming relationship very very quickly. I hate to be the one to tell you but when this does happen there’s pretty much nothing you can do when somebody just isn’t into you. Just remember that it is not your fault, even though you will blame yourself to begin with and keep second guessing what you did wrong. The only way to possibly prevent this is to look out for signs he’s not into you.
At the end of the day it all comes down to that natural spark and attraction that you either have or don’t have with somebody. You can’t force it when it’s not there, so don’t feel too bad if the guy you could see yourself ending up with just isn’t feeling it. The best thing to do is accept it and find that person you deserve, who is into you, and move on. Here are 15 signs he’s not into you that you should listen to, to help prevent yourself from getting hurt.
This is an obvious one. If you barely talk or he texts you days later then he really isn’t in to you.
You don’t want to share your man. If he flirts and chats with other girls, and doesn’t let you know what about, then he isn’t that into you. This is one of the most obvious signs he’s not into you.
If a guy really liked you he would want to be in a committed relationship. If he refuses to be exclusive or avoids the ‘what are we question’ then he just isn’t that into you.
This one is a given. If you are a few months in and haven’t met his friends and family then he isn’t that into you. Don’t think ‘oh maybe he isn’t ready’ because at this rate he will never be ready.
If a man tries to change you then he clearly doesn’t like you for you and wants you to be somebody else. Say boy-bye to him hun as he isn’t that into you!
If your relationship is all physical and not emotional then he isn’t that into you. Alarm bells should ring when he avoids a conversation by having sex with you instead. Hold your head up high and kick that boy to the curb; you want an emotional connection not just a physical one.
If you only hear from him late at night, especially after midnight, then you are just a booty call to him and nothing more. You have been put into the friends with benefits zone and there is no escape. He just isn’t that into you. This is definitely one of the signs he’s not into you.
If a boy liked you he would not keep standing you up unless there was a truly valid reason. 3 stand ups is 3 strikes and he’s not into you.
You want a man who asks ‘how was your day.’ If a boy doesn’t care how you are feeling and doesn’t want to know what you have been up to then he just isn’t that into you babe.
If he isn’t desperate to see you and can’t fit you in to his busy schedule then he isnt that into you.
If a guy doesn’t want to spend alone time with you and makes sure other people are always around then he isn’t that into you. If you are seeing someone you should want to see them alone: FACT.
If a guy is flirting with you and you have friendly banter then he is obviously into you. So when that stops something has changed: he’s not that into you anymore. Sure some guys just aren’t the flirty type but there is always jokes and smiles when you’re happy.
This is a controversial one as I know some guys just don’t compliment. But if you truly like someone and want them to feel good you will share a compliment here or there. You want the guy you are with to tell you you’re pretty and if he doesn’t then warning bells should ring.
When a guy likes you he might not always tell you with words but his body language will give it away; there will be intimacy. It is easy to miss body language cues but if you notice them and then notice they are missing he has lost interest.
If you are in a committed relationship then you hold hands. If a guy won’t hold your hand and show you off then he just isn’t that into you. There are of course other ways to tell he’s not into you, like he might not get jealous or you always call first, but these are the top 15 signs he’s not into you. If you sense any of these things occurring then stand your ground girl and take action because at the end of the day if someone doesn’t like you back they are wasting your time and you should spend that time on someone who likes you the way you are.
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