12 Signs He Cares About You More Than A Friend

Here are the tell-tale signs he cares about you more than just a friend, but rather wants to be in a relationship with you!

Almost nothing is worse than having feelings for someone but being unsure of where you stand with them.  Absolutely nobody wants to remain in the limbo of whether or not this person has possible romantic feelings for you, so here are 12 signs he cares about you as more than just a friend- thus saving you from this awkward limbo.

  1. He has interest in the little things you do.

A good way of knowing what a guy’s feelings for you are, is looking at what he focuses on about you. While a friend may know the surface level of things that you do, when a guy is into you, they’ll put in effort to know even the minute of things like if you babysit every other weekend or are really familiar with libraries.

  1. He often is looking at you, staring even.

Does this one even need explaining? When a guy is into you, he most definitely wants to look at you. However, this isn’t always a given that just because he’s looking at you, it means he’s head over heels. The real indicator of whether he’s into you or not is in his reaction to you looking at him. If he looks away or somewhat blushes when your eyes meet that’s the real proof of whether he’s got the hots for you or not.

  1. He’s always happy to see you.

Another thing to note is his mood. When a guy has an interest in you, your presence will most likely brighten his mood. Given that he wants to impress you, and have you like him also, his attitude will most likely match meaning he’ll portray a happy and positive attitude to you.


  1. He initiates convo.

Guys who have romantic interest will more often than not initiate conversation and find ways to talk to you. If you find that he regularly tries to talk to you and sometimes it can be over the simplest of this. The truth of the matter is he’s looking for more excuses to talk to you, so make sure you seized that opportunity.

  1. He gets deep with you.

Carrying on from the fact that he initiates conversation with you, guys that are into you on a level beyond friendship will often share deeper and more personal things with you. Guys are well known for not being ones to really share their emotions or open up to people so when a guy gets personal and opens up to you that is most definitely a sign that he not only trusts you but has feelings for you.

  1. He treats you different.

Guys who like you as more than a friend will for sure give treat you much differently than they would their guy friends or even their female friends. There are little ways to see if he treats you differently, for instance, he may talk to you in a different way compared to his friends and sometimes his body language can be completely different too.

  1. He always makes sure he looks good around you.

When a guy likes you as more than a friend, he always makes sure to look good especially when he knows you’ll be around. This is one of the definite signs he cares.


  1. He likes to impress you.

It goes without saying that when a guy is into you, they’ll do the most they can to paint themselves in a good light. He’s probably done the best to show you how funny he is, his adventurous bravery and all his redeeming boyfriend material quality.

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  1. He notices the small things in you.

When a guy is really into you, he notices the smallest of things different about you. This is one of the cutest signs he cares. Reason being that he’s spent so much time staring at you that he’s got practically every detail of your face committed to memory.

  1. He finds excuses to have you guys together.

When someone is into you they most definitely are employing tactics to ensure that they can spend more time with you. He might try things like purposely leave a pencil case at your shared desk so that way you’ll have to give it back to him and have to talk.

  1. Body Language.

When a guy has feelings for you, he’ll be very inviting to any form of body contact he gets from you- his body language will be very open and embracing, showing signs he cares. Similarly, so guys with crushes usually don’t shy away from getting handsy with their own body contact. With that guys who are quite handsy can be seen to have feelings for you, given that they feel comfortable enough around you to hands on with you.


  1. He likes to make you feel good.

Guys who like you will always ensure to make you feel good, be it through good banter or being kind hearted and welcoming. Furthermore, guys that like you will always want to help you, to score more time with you but also appear more chivalrous in your eyes, but equally they’ll want you to help them in order to make you feel independent and powerful.


Which of these signs he cares does your crush give you? Let us know in the comments.

Featured Image Source: weheartit