Shark Week For Every Female: How To Deal With Your Period

Every girl knows what I am talking about. The Shark Week. It tends to be a tabu issue but I think it should be proudly spoken since it is a natural thing we deal with every month. It is our own week of bleeding 24/7, mood swings, cramps, hormones revolutions and cravings… Lots of cravings, and it for sure deserves to be attended. Sometimes the only thing that helps to deal with our period is to cry for hours, scream and be as rude as we possibly can, but that will not help us in anyway so here’s five more and beautiful things you can do to deal with the shark week that will benefit your body and mind:
1. Food You Should Be Eating
Nutrition is very important and even more during these days. First of all: water. It will help to release the fluid our body tend to retain. Warm water should help to smooth your stomach and cramps as well. Secondly, we need vitamins and minerals. You can make use of multivitamins or consume more foods rich in calcium and magnesium: leafy greens, avocados, yogurts, bananas… All of them tend to act as muscle relaxers for the uterus. They will be your friends and healthy food is always a better option than painkillers, unless the cramps continue. Ginger or any other herbal teas will be helpful as well.
2. Take A Warm Bath
It is always all about the warmness to help you with cramps pain. Besides, who does not like a warm bath? Take care of yourself. Use those days as the lazy days of the month to rest a little bit. Do not stress and pamper yourself as much as you wish. Use some candles, oils or incense during the warm bath to relax or even meditate. Both things will help you focus on the good sensations of your body and forget about the cramps or even the period. Put on some chill music behind as well and remember that this too shall pass. And if you want to get more exquisite, use some bath bomb or even flowers. This whole beautiful ambience will lift your mood and make you feel such a goddess. A shark week will not beat you down after this.
3. Exercise
Yes, I know. Lazy week. But before you give up and devote yourself to your whole laziness, do some exercise. Whatever works for you will be beneficial. You can choose a simple walk around the city, some yoga or even go hard and do some rough work out or cardio. Choose whatever resonates with you the most. It has been scientifically proved that some exercise will mitigate period pains so even when your stamina is lower than ever, try it and see how your body responds after that. You will feel stronger, more relaxed and now you can go and take that warm bath with a full smile on your sporty face.
4. Watch Your Favorite Movie or TV Show
Oh, the classic. First of all, notice your mood. Do you feel like laughing out loud or you do prefer to release it all through an ugly cry? Choose your favorite comedy or drama movie and watch it as many times as you need. Curl up in your bed with a heating pad on your stomach and release all the emotions you have been trying to hide during these days. Your mind needs a pause. You do not have to make everything seem fine when it is not. Release it all and let it go. Feelings are necessary and by avoiding them, it only gets worse. This well help you to feel better and to know how you really feel. Moreover, who does not need a distraction during these days? Keep the social networks away for a moment and enjoy your movie or show only by yourself.
5. Sleep
As I said, your stamina will be lower during the shark week. You will feel lazier than ever and no contact with the world will be wanted. This week is a time we mostly should focus on ourselves. Girl power at its best. Give you what you need, be lazy, be cozy, be YOU. Resting is always necessary but during the shark week you will feel you need it even more so SLEEP. Rest as much as you can. Spend one whole day in bed and do not feel regrets. Shark Week is for snuggling. Hey, having the period is hard and our own uterus is almost trying to kill us so we deserve it. Do not let anyone tell you otherwise.