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The 10 Greatest Sex In The City Moments To Reminisce On

The 10 Greatest Sex In The City Moments To Reminisce On

If you love watching TV, you will love reminiscing on these sex in the city moments that either broke our hearts or made us fall in love!

Since its beginning in 1998, Sex and the City has successfully shadowed the real-life issues experienced by single women around the world, including the highs and the absolute lows! With 6 seasons and 2 films in the bag, Sex and the City has provided us with an endless number of references from the lives of the fabulous four: Carrie, Charlotte, Miranda and Samantha. The TV series taught us that there is no singular ideal for a woman to aspire to, and with so many unforgettable moments in the series, it was difficult to narrow them down to just 10, but nevertheless here are the best sex in the city moments which I found to be the most memorable!

1. Carrie’s Worst Birthday Ever

We’ve all probably contemplated the irrational fear of nobody remembering our birthday, and in this episode of Sex and the City Carrie believes that exactly that has happened on her somewhat dreaded 35th birthday when none of her friends turn up to her dinner celebration. She begins her 35th year feeling more alone than ever, yet the episode ends with the comforting resolution that perhaps a soul mate can come in the form of three great friends as opposed to one great love!

2. When Miranda Gets Stood Up (By A Dead Guy)

Enraged at being stood up by her date, Miranda decides instead of letting it slide that she’ll phone the guy and give him a piece of her mind! To everyone’s surprise, his mother answers the phone and reveals that her son has in fact passed away. Miranda begins to lose even more hope in her quest for companionship with her comical reaction to the situation, complaining that men were now dying on them…


3. The Break-Up Post-It

Carrie’s bad-luck with men hits a possible peak when Jack Berger breaks up with her using a post-it note – “I’m sorry, I can’t, don’t hate me”. Carrie feels beyond enraged at the thought that the full relationship had been a complete waste of time. This maybe wasn’t a very positive moment for Carrie in the Sex and the City series, but it still feels as relevant as ever today in the discussion over the most dignified manner to break up with someone – *hint hint*, not with a post-it! This is one of the most legendary sex in the city moments.

4. The One With The Rabbit

Miranda discovers the pleasure of her “ultimate” vibrator, the Rabbit, claiming a sense of empowerment, gaining sexual satisfaction without the help of a men. Charlotte, initially skeptical, tries the Rabbit and suddenly starts to wonder if the Rabbit could replace sex with men altogether! Her surprising addiction then forces the three friends to host an intervention and bring Charlotte back to reality.

5. When Aidan and Big Got Down And Dirty

That ridiculous time when Mr. Big and Aidan, Carrie’s two great loves, rolled around in the mud just had to be included in the greatest Sex and the City moments! Isn’t it just so Carrie to have two men brawling on the ground for your attention? Although the irony turns out to be that after the fight the two seem to get along like a house on fire, much to Carrie’s disliking!


6. When Samantha Falls In Love

I don’t think anyone ever saw this one Sex and the City moment coming! The promiscuous and independent Samantha finally falls in love with rich man Richard after years of fearing commitment. When she finds he’s been unfaithful she reacts in true Samantha style by throwing her drink in his face, along with a simple “Dirty martini, dirty bastard”. We loved seeing Samantha fall in love, but seeing her get revenge was even better. This is definitely one of the best sex in the city moments!

7. When Charlotte Gets a Baby

This has got to be one of the most emotional Sex and the City moments – when Charlotte finally got her baby after years of longing for a child and being burdened by infertility. Her and Harry adopt a baby girl from China, finally reaching her dream of starting a family! The honesty of Charlotte’s struggle to have a child just added to the endless list of storylines involving the 4 main characters which make them so relatable for so many women!

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These romantic surprises for her are perfect for a special occasion like birthdays, graduations or simply because you want to show her that you love her!


8. When Samantha Gets Breast Cancer

Samantha getting cancer is just another example of one of the many approachable and honest storylines which the characters in Sex and the City dealt with. Samantha, probably the strongest of the four friends, struggles with breast cancer and is forced to face the reality that she is not invincible. However, Samantha faces her illness head-on and in spite of losing her hair to chemo-therapy, uses it as a chance to experiment with her look using an array of wigs, hats and scarves. She even gets involved within the cancer community and shines on stage when she speaks at a benefit dinner!

9. When Carrie Moves to Paris (And Leaves Big Behind)

When Carrie falls in love with Russian artist Aleksandr Petrovsky and decides to follow him to Paris, audiences were shocked by her decision to leave not only her friends and her city, but her on-off lover, Big. Carrie receives a surprise visit from Big just before her move to France, and finally tells him seemingly once and for all that things between them are over, screaming the memorable words, “You and I NOTHING”.

10. When Miranda Takes Steve Back

Flashing forward to the first Sex and the City Movie, who could forget that heart-warming moment of relief when after months of couple’s therapy Miranda meets Steve on the Brooklyn Bridge, where they embrace to the soundtrack of Al Green’s “How Can You Mend a Broken Heart”. How could you not love Steve?! This is one of the most awe-worthy sex in the city moments!


 So, which one of these sex in the city moments was your favourite?!

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