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10 Rose Wine Benefits That Make It The Best Wine Ever

10 Rose Wine Benefits That Make It The Best Wine Ever

We all know that rose tastes amazing, but there also several rose wine benefits! Check out this list of all the things rose is good for!

This is one for all you wine lovers out there! Suffice it to say, the pink-hued wine is a certified Food Trend, joining the likes of rainbow bagels and food in jars — just as Instagrammable as they are consumable. But as a matter of fact, rose isn’t just tasty and photogenic, there are also several rose wine benefits!

The production process and health benefits of rosé wine are similar to those associated with red wines, including improved cardiovascular health and potent antioxidants. When it comes to a choice between rosé and white wine, rosé is the healthier choice because it contains more antioxidants.

So next time you are choosing what wine to have, here are 10 rose wine benefits which make it the best wine ever.


1. Lowers high cholesterol, and raises low cholesterol

Polyphenols in rosé wine might help to lower LDL, or bad cholesterol. While alcohol, including that found in rosé wine, thins the blood and raises good, or HDL, cholesterol.

2. Reduces risk of heart disease


The antioxidants in rose wine prevent heart disease by reducing the build-up of harmful cholesterol.

 3. Reduces risk of heart attack

By reducing the risk of heart disease, drinking rose wine also reduces the risk of heart attack as the antioxidants help to damper down the inflammation of blood vessels.


 4. Contains potassium

Potassium is a mineral that plays a vital role in metabolism as well as water balance in the body. So by drinking rose you help maintain your body’s fluids. Regulation of heartbeat also requires potassium.

 5. Lowers blood pressure


The potassium found in rose wine helps to lower high blood pressure because it balances out the negative effects of salt in the blood. This one of the coolest rose wine benefits!

 6. Protects against inflammation

Rosé wine contains a number of beneficial compounds with potential antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Anti-inflammatory qualities in wine have the potential to reduce the risk of rheumatoid arthritis.


7. Surprisingly low in calories

Rosé wine is relatively low in calories, making it a diet-friendly choice. A 5 oz. glass of rosé wine contains around 82 calories, making it one of the lowest calorie alcoholic drink choices available, behind a vodka and soda. The fresh, crisp flavour of rosé wine makes it an ideal spring and summer wine, pairing equally well with pasta, chicken or even a meal cooked on the grill.

8. Contains antioxidants

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Drinking antioxidants is great for your skin and your heart because it prohibits the oxidation of other molecules in the body. They will help fight against spots and blemishes too so drink away (in moderation of course).

 9. Contains antioxidant resveratrol which protects against cancer


The most significant benefits from wine come from antioxidants in the skin of the grape, specifically resveratrol. A beneficial compound for anti-aging, resveratrol protects the brain and reduces risk of heart disease.

Red wines, fermented with the skins, have the highest levels of this beneficial antioxidant. Winemakers strain the skins from white wine immediately and rosé wines early in the production process, causing these wines to have lower levels of resveratrol. Though rosé wines contain more resveratrol than white wines, they contains less than red ones. Research has also shown white wine drinkers have a 13 percent higher risk of cancer than red or rosé drinkers.

10. It tastes delicious. This counts as a benefit right?


It is important you enjoy what you are drinking so the taste of rose is definitely a benefit to your happiness.

Remember there are better ways to stay healthy, such as exercise and healthy eating, but at least this information allows you to feel less guilty about enjoying a glass or two of wine.

There truly is a rosé wine out there for everyone, with both dry and sweet varieties available, depending on your preference. Like red and white wines, rosé wines are made from grapes, but rosé may include both red and white grapes because that’s just how rosé rolls. What a rebel. Which will you drink?


Did you know about these rose wine benefits? Let us know in the comments below!

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