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8 Revolutionary YouTube Videos To Watch That Will Change Your Outlook On Life

8 Revolutionary YouTube Videos To Watch That Will Change Your Outlook On Life

Here are a collection of YouTube videos that will cater to everyone and anyone. You won't want to miss out on watching these absolute life-changers!

Every now and then do you ever find that you’re just bored of watching the same old TV shows or series on Netflix and feel like some motivational YouTube videos could be of more value? Well, you’ve clicked on the right article because below is a vast collection of videos to get your teeth into that are self-admittedly: incredibly random but pretty intriguing. There’s something for everyone here, just you wait and see. Enjoy!

1) Lucy Wood – A Realistic Chat About My Body Confidence

In this one, writer, Lucy Wood, takes an alternative approach by addressing issues that had arisen in her previous ‘size 14’ fashion YouTube videos. She’s one of the few influencers out there who are truly showcasing the beauty of this ‘in-betweeny’ body type. However, whilst she’s received lots of praise for offering this edgier fashion content, many people are now labelling her as body confident despite how she feels realistically. In this empowering video, she shares an extremely relatable body confidence experience in this day and age that is kind of impossible not to connect with.

2) Hannah Witton – The Hormone Diaries

The second in the list of these revolutionary YouTube vidoes is one of the latest episodes from Hannah Witton’s ‘The Hormone Diaries’ now, of course, this is one only the girls will relate to really. Hannah has decided to use her platform to talk about all kinds of taboo subjects. It’s one of the best all-revealing series she’s created yet that you’ll relate to on so many levels.


3) Lucy Moon – Ten Mindful Habits

Lucy Moon creates some of the best YouTube videos that are stripped back, totally relaxing but also incredibly insightful. If organisation and productivity are your thing, you’re not going to miss this one where she talks about some of her best tips and tricks to be more mindful of what’s going on in our everyday lives.

4) Motiversity – Self Discipline (featuring Will Smith)

One of the best motivational Youtube videos of all time featuring the legend, Mr. Will Smith himself, is this one by the channel Motiversity which by the way can we all take a moment to appreciate how cool the name is. If self-discipline is something you struggle with, feast your eyes on this one.

5) WellCast – How To Stop Procrastinating

WellCast’s masterpiece on how to stop yourself from procrastinating is such a good watch. It’s one of the cleverest videos out there because right from the outset you’ll find that you’re hooked. The reason why is because it’s so relatable. Check it out.


6) Muchelle B – 5 Actual, Real Ways To Practice Self Love

Self-love is incredibly important and should be something you implement into your everyday life. Have a watch of this one of these revolutionary YouTube videos to reconnect with what it means to properly care and look after yourself.

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7) Motivation2Study – Best Study Motivation For Success & Students

Now I couldn’t help but add in one of those iconic YouTube videos on study tips because they’re pretty essential. By just watching one of these it can give you the motivation you’ve been needing to finally crack on with that piece of work you’ve been avoiding doing or at least get you in the mood to make a good start!


8) New Bliss – Rainy Autumn

Now you’re probably looking at the title of this thinking what am I actually reading right now but I promise you this final one is a good’un. Whether you’re reading a book or trying to get on with that piece of work you’ve been putting to the side for so long now, the sweet sounds of rain droplets and fire crackling could be the fix you never knew you needed. Give it a try, speaking from personal experience, it’s life-changing!

What did you think of these revolutionary YouTube videos? Comment down below which ones took your fancy!

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