The Top 6 Resources All Students Need To Take Advantage Of At Uni

Being at university can involve a lot of partying, socialising and also studying. You might like to wing it every now and again when it comes to your studies or in life in general but it doesn’t always have to be like that. You might already make use of certain resources while you’re at uni but here is our list of the top 6 resources all students need to take advantage of when you’re at uni!
1. The library
University assignments also require you to provide references from books so where else to get this than from the library right on campus? This will probably be one of the most used resources you’ll use during your uni life. The library is a great place to get your books required for your assignments, a place to study, get together for group projects or just to print off any documents you need.
There are loads of books available whether they are on your syllabus as required reading or recommended by your lecturers. If a book is well-sought after, you may need to reserve the book or find it is unavailable, reserve it well in advance to avoid disappointment. The library staff are always on hand to help as well to let you know about all the library resources you probably never knew existed and can help you track down a book if you’re having trouble finding it yourself!
2. Careers service
This is one of the resources at university that many people really don’t advantage of but really should. Whether you do or don’t know what you want to do after you graduate, drop into your careers service on campus to have a chat with a careers advisor to get further advice or information about how to get into your chosen industry. They’ll have information about how to get work experience and internships and might even have a few companies they already liaise with that they could get you in contact with. After all, it’s no longer about what you know but who you know.
The careers service isn’t just a great resource for providing you with information about your chosen career and how to get there but they also give you help and support for your CV and interview. Your CV is so important when it comes to applying for a job as it is the first impression a prospective employer will have of you. Asking a careers adviser for a second opinion will help you create the best impression and will give you tips on how to make yourself stand out from the crowd.
3. The internet
The internet has always got answers if you look in all the right places. It’s one of the best resources you can rely on during your time at university. If you fail to get a specific book you need for your assignments, Google books might have an online copy that you’d be able to find somewhere. If all else fails, borrow from a friend or a classmate. Google usually helps you find what you are looking for and there are always websites you can visit which will help you get more information and break down things if you don’t understand them.
4. Your lecturers
Another resource that many university students should take advantage of. Your lecturers are bursting with passion and knowledge about what they’re teaching you so take advantage of this to the max – after all, they are the ones that will be marking your assignments and exams.
While lectures and seminars give you the basics, you should research and read up on the things mentioned so you fully understand what you’ll be assessed on. Communicate with your lecturers often whether this is face to face in one-to-one meetings or by email so you understand what you’ll be assessed on. The more information you know, this will help you ace your assignments and exams. What’s more, your first point of call might be your friends and classmates when it comes to what assignments are due or when exams are taking place but it’s definitely worth checking with your lecturer too.
5. Your classmates
You and your classmates are all in the same boat. Take advantage of this and bounce ideas off each other. Organise study groups where you can discuss things that were mentioned in lectures and seminars. You’ll probably be required to do a lot of group work and group projects during your university life anyway but you can form strong friendships with your classmates and help each other pass your assignments and exams together!
Your classmates are one of the resources that is truly helpful. As the saying goes, two heads are better than one. There’s no shame in not understanding something that someone else probably understands straightaway – everyone has their weaknesses and strong points. Everyone is willing to help each other out so don’t be afraid and ask for help and support if you need it. Besides, networking and making new friends during university is part of the experience. You might even know someone that knows someone that can put in a good word for you if they know about a job that you’re interested in after you graduate!
6. Events
As mentioned briefly in the previous point, networking is part of the university experience and will not only help build your circle of friends but may help you out when it comes to your career. University doesn’t always have to be about constantly studying. Make sure to make time for yourself and attend any events that take place on campus such as freshers, careers events or social events.Â
Events are the kind of resource that will help you with networking and finding out more about your university and what they have to offer. Careers events will definitely help you find out more about how to get into your chosen career and potential employers that attend these events might even have internship/graduate programmes that will help you achieve your dream job!