
I Went To A Party My Ex Was At With 4 Years Of No Contact
I Went To A Party My Ex Was At With 4 Years Of No Contact

Drag that comb back through one more time, maybe that will sort out that loose…

Giving a simple compliment can be enough to radically change a persons day. It can be easy to give any old compliment, but it's nice to give well meaning, heart felt compliments. Here's a guide to some of the best compliments you can give someone. Now get out there and brighten someones day!
The Best Compliments To Give That You Haven’t Thought Of

Giving a simple compliment can be enough to radically change a persons day. It can…

Being the single friend can be tough, and these 15 gifs demonstrate the shared experience of every single friend out there.
15 Gifs That Describe Being The Single Friend

Being the single friend can be tough, and here are 15 gifs that describe the…

ISFP is one of the most artistic personalities of the Myers-Briggs personality test. Read the signs here to see if you are one!
10 Signs You Are An ISFP

ISFP is one of the sixteen personalities in the Myers-Briggs personality test, and is considered…

5 Things That Will Spice Up Your Love Life
5 Things That Will Spice Up Your Love Life

Long-term relationships can be great but, as with anything that we do repeatedly, it can…

Is it healthy to stay in contact with an ex? Here is a list of reasons why staying in contact with an ex can be beneficial or nefarious to your life!
Is It Healthy To Stay In Contact With An Ex?

In a relationship you let your partner in, you share your dreams and your secrets…

Here's how to be single. These tips on being single are useful and effective. Being single should be fun. Here's how to deal with being happily single.
How To Be Single (Happily)

I don’t like to label myself as knowledgeable or experienced in any particular field, but…

University is choas, so adding sex into the mix only makes the experience more complicated.Here are some tips and important points about sex in university.
Everything You Need To Know About Sex In University

University can be a challenging time for anyone being young and placed in a new…

How To Balance A Relationship And Uni Stress
How To Balance A Relationship And Uni Stress

You know what’s stressful? University. You know what’s also stressful? Being in a relationship. If…

If you're currently heartbroken and you're looking for the perfect book to offer a fix, then read on to find the perfect books to mend your heart!
The Perfect Books To Read When You’re Heartbroken

Books are such a significant part of life, in so many ways. They are often…