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Relationship Advice For Men Who Can’t Keep A Girlfriend

Relationship Advice For Men Who Can’t Keep A Girlfriend

This is the best relationship advice for men that struggle to keep a girl! Dating isn't always the easiest, and if you want a girlfriend, it's important to follow these tips on how to keep her around!

Remember that high school friend who’s been in a long-term relationship since like forever? Well, some people seem to meet their soulmates quite early in life, whereas for many others, finding true love is like desperately trying to solve a Rubik’s cube. Finding a partner isn’t always that black and white, as there are others who date someone for a few weeks or months but just can’t seem to work their way through their relationship. Well, don’t get bent out of shape just yet. The following relationship advice for men will help you get back into the groove. Unfortunately, there’s no precise script to guide you, but there are multiple steps you can take to have a long-lasting relationship.



This is perhaps the most efficient relationship advice for men you will ever need to know. Everybody wants to have their say, so being attentive to your partner’s needs and wants is a smart move. There are no perfect relationships. However, you can sort out any issues with your partner by talking openly with each other about any concerns or worries you both might have. Be a good listener. Listen to her opinions, just as much as any problems she might be facing. Long-term relationships are built on trust, respect, and mutual understanding above all else.




Don’t get all too caught up in your newly-found love adventure. Be yourself and keep doing what you do best; being you. With that being said, don’t try to overly-impress your girlfriend as she might be disconcerted rather than impressed by your unnecessary and inappropriate grand gestures. For example, instead of spending money and time on expensive dates, it might actually be wiser to just be you and stick to something simpler. Be open and original, in order to have a healthy relationship with your loved one.





Don’t use rude labels or names to display your dissatisfaction with a particular situation or statement your partner is involved in. For example, if you think that lately she’s been showing signs of discontentment or lack of excitement doing the things you usually do together, be constructive about it. Ask why. It’s better to have an unpleasant conversation at first, but you should understand that this is all a part of strengthening your bond. It’s never too late to restore balance and harmony to your relationship. Moreover, she will probably appreciate the fact that you’ve noticed changes in her behavior and that you care about what makes her feel comfortable and happy.




One of the unwritten rules in maintaining a harmonious relationship is to keep things exciting. Buy tickets to that concert you’ve been dying to go to, visit a museum or gallery exhibition you’ve never been to before, or book a spa weekend away from the pollution, noise, and dynamic lifestyle that can be draining for both of you. If you are in a serious relationship, having long-term objectives and sharing your ideas for a future together is one of the relationship advice for men to follow!

See Also
Being in love isn't about grand gestures or larger than life feelings. It is the small everyday moments that really show you're in love.


This is a big no-no. If you’re spending a great amount of time on designing a perfect date night in a fancy, intimate restaurant, don’t ruin it by bringing up stories about your ex. Even if she is insistently asking you questions about who you’ve dated in the past or whether you are in touch with any of them in one way or another, keep your answers short and simple: “Things just didn’t work out between us, so we went our separate ways,” or “We didn’t really have much in common” works just fine too. But don’t make the mistake of texting your ex if you’re serious about the relationship. Like ever.





Date responsibly. Be considerate of your girlfriend. Treat her the way she deserves to be treated: with respect, care, and accepted for who she is. You both deserve to live those typical romantic movie clichés, but also build a strong friendship along the way.


And on that note, good luck! With great patience, trust, persistence, and commitment to these tips and advice, you can make your relationship last.

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