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10 Reasons Why You’d Love Having A Cat

10 Reasons Why You’d Love Having A Cat

Having a cat is a lovely experience, it's impossible not to love them! It’s never too late to share your life with your favourite little furball.

Having a cat is one of the best experiences you could have: they are your friend, your companion and they empathise when you feel bad. Let’s be honest, the reasons why you should have one (or two?) are limitless. Usually, there are two categories of people: those who love cats and those who love dogs. Dogs are more dependent than cats, who value their independence. Having a pet is like having a kid really- you feel responsible for them at any time and you love them to bits.

There are many reasons  why you would love having a cat – but here are only 10.

1. They are super cute

Cats are really really cute! Especially kittens. Just check out the videos on YouTube, and you’ll fall in love with those little moustaches, mini ears and paws. The way they walk with their fur as well… awww.


2. They sleep 16 hours per day

Yes, they do! They sleep for more than 1/2 a day. They are really active during the twilight hours. Kittens sleep even longer than that. What a life!

3. They are cleverer than you

Cats are very intuitive animals- they stand by the door when they feel that someone is to come or they feel your presence, for instance. Sometimes, they love watching TV. It’s just random things really. They are really fun to watch.

4. They love you unconditionally

Having a cat is inviting love into your life. They know how to say thank you (they stroke you with their head or their tail is moving in a wavy way). They know that deep down you give them food, you shelter them and rest assured that they are grateful even if they can be goofy and annoying sometimes.


5. They comfort you when you feel bad

How many times did you just come back home feeling sad or down? Well, these little beings sense your mood, and they wait for you to come back and to comfort you. They usually go to sleep next to you to show their support.

6. They are fun

Cats are playful beings. They don’t necessarily need other cats to keep them company. They are independent and they like to have their own space. Some assume that they are selfish ( well, they can be divas that is for sure…) – maybe so, but they are respectful animals and manage to cohabit with humans. Sometimes they play with your feet, sometimes they want to play with a piece of paper or some tissue… When they want your attention, they make sure they have it! Buy them a tree so that they can have their own space and play.

7. They purr

Their unusual sound can originate from a place of fear or a place of affection. Most of the time, they purr when they feel good. They just lay next to you and let you pet them. It’s really cute especially when they miaow at the same time. It’s very funny and soothing.

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8. They are afraid of water

It is a truth universally acknowledged that cats are afraid of water. They just hate it. However, some owners suggest that they can get used to it if they are bathed from their baby days.

9. They can ‘talk’

Yes, they can! They interact with you all day long: sometimes they may ask for food, sometimes they make you understand that they want to play with you, that they want you to stroke them… Some people dedicate their lives to understand the language of cats: it has been established that if you want to avoid any confrontation (with any animal really), blink your eyes.


10. They make you feel less lonely

Having a cat at home is very soothing. You are never alone, and you are responsible of this little being for the rest of his life. When you go home, you know that someone is waiting for you. It is a very peaceful feeling, and it helps you to be less dependent on people, and more responsible. They help you connect with your humanity as well.

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