It’s so important for you and your SO to talk about your sex life. It might not seem it, especially if you’re already in a relationship, but there are so many things you might not have even considered within your sex life that needs to be discussed. It’s not something for you to be embarrassed about either, it’s a perfectly normal part of a relationship and will only bring the two of you closer together! If you’re not sure, then here are 10 reasons why you and your SO should talk about your sex life.
If you’re in a relationship with someone, you need to be crystal clear about the kind of relationship you’re here for, especially in terms of your sex life. If you’re looking for an open or casual relationship, then your sex life will definitely come into it, as you’ll most likely be sleeping with other people.
Kinks are a huge part of a healthy and happy sex life between you and your SO. It’s so important to be aware of and take into consideration the kind of thing your partner likes and is open to trying the in bedroom. Otherwise, it can leave you unsatisfied, or even worse lead to problems with crossed wires.
It is so important for you and your SO to talk about each other’s boundaries within your sex life before things get serious to ensure that everyone is 100% happy with what is happening at any given moment.
Before you start a sexual relationship with your SO, it’s a good idea to make sure that everyone involved has had STI and sexual health check-ups. This will just ensure that everyone is as safe as possible and will stop any awkward conversations about your sex life further down the line!
With any same-sex relationship, birth control of some form is vital. Whether it’s the pill, condoms or one of the many other options out there, you should be taking some precautions. They are so important for preventing unwanted pregnancy, but the method you choose should definitely be discussed between you!
It is so important to discuss what you want from your significant other in terms of your sex life. Whether you want to try something new or simply aren’t 100% satisfied, it’s always best to talk these things out. It will benefit the two of you in the long run, even if it’s uncomfortable, to begin with.
Consent is something which shouldn’t just be assumed. Just because you and your SO are in a relationship, consent within your sex life isn’t just a given. It’s so important to talk about, just to make sure everyone is happy and comfortable 100% of the time.
Talking about your sex life with your SO is something that is only going to improve your relationship, if everyone knows what everyone wants and is up for, then you’re only going to be happy with what you’re doing.
If someone is unsure or not completely comfortable about certain things within your sex life, then this can lead to mixed signals and even eventually an unhappy, unhealthy relationship. If you talk to your SO about your sex life, it is so easy to avoid and clarify these mixed signals.
Making assumptions about both your relationship with your SO and your sex life isn’t going to be good for your relationship. It can lead to things happening that the other doesn’t want to and that can be messy. Always double check before you assume!
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