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10 Reasons Why Trying New Kinky Items Is A Great Way To Spruce Up Your Sex Life

10 Reasons Why Trying New Kinky Items Is A Great Way To Spruce Up Your Sex Life

Try new kinky toys can be intimidating at first but is a great way to mix up your sex life. Here are my top 10 reasons why every couple needs to experiment with kinky items.

Sex can get a little boring. Especially if you’ve been in a relationship for a while, and feel you need to mix things up a bit. Kinky toys are a great way to stir things up, along with lots of other reasons. So if you’re looking to spruce up your sex life, you’ve come to the right place and maybe, just maybe you should go a bit wild and try some new kinky items.

Here are 10 reasons why trying new kinky items is a great way to spruce up your sex life.

1. Increases Communication

Incorporating a new kinky toy into the bedroom, can be really daunting and make some people feel uneasy. But if you’re going to do it you’re going to have to talk about it. Whether its rope,vibrators, gags, cuffs etc they’ll need to be some sort of conversation regarding safe words, or boundaries. And even the conversation about which toy or toys you want to try. If you’re a couple that lacks in communication this could really bring some life back into your relationship.

2. It’s Fun

Maybe this should of been number one because its the main reason for me. Its fun, and its funny, talking about it is fun, picking them out are fun, and using them are fun. You’ll get to live out your fantasies and give your partner a chance to live out their fantasies. Yes it can be daunting, but the most important thing to remember is not to worry and just have fun with it. Let your guard down a little!

3. You Learn

if kink is completely different for you, your partner or the both of you, this gives you a chance to teach each other or learn together. That’s a bonding process in itself, and you can let all the rigidity and control go and open your self up to something completely new.

4. It Get’s You Out Of Your Comfort Zone

Doing things you don’t usually do, may be scary but its escaping your comfort zone. and who wants to be comfortable? Comfort is boring! Plus stepping out of your box – so to speak- truly builds character and depth, and you learn so much about yourself and your partner. If you want that adrenaline and excitement, trying new kinky items might be a great way for your to get your heart beating.

5. You’ll See A New Side To Boo

When you’ve been in a long term relationship, you might think you know any and everything about your partner. Well guess what babe, you don’t! It may take a minute for your partner to get comfortable and used to the idea of kinky toys, but i guarantee you, once they’re in, you’re going to learn so much about your partners real kinks and fantasies. If they’re usually shy they might show you a more dominant side or vice versa. At the end of the day, the bedroom is a safe space which allows everyone to do whatever they want – within reason- without being judged. So its likely bae may shock you a little.

6. You Might Like It

You might be reading this right now thinking. Hmm, ‘i don’t have any kinks, this isn’t for me’. But lets not dismiss the possibility and most likely truth that you wont really know what you like until you try it. I mean, no ones going to decide they don’t like mint choc chip ice cream without trying any, just because they had a mojito once and wasn’t into it. The sex world is your oyster and you should try lots of different things – and don’t give up, because once you find something you like, you’ll be hooked.

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7. Increases Orgasms

Orgasms are absolutely amazing for you. They increase your mood, they increase brain function, they burn calories, they’re just over all fantastic things. If anything in this world has a chance of increasing orgasms then take it! And if you’re having more orgasms during sex, the more often you’ll want to have sex, and the more you’re enjoying the experience and the intimacy and the bonding, which is surely going to enhance your relationship. Remember when you first got together and there was passion and desire, kinky toys give you the chance to relive this and bring something new and fresh to the bedroom.

8. It Shows You Care

Speaking to your partner about possibly experimenting with toys doesn’t mean that you think sex with them is boring or you’re thinking about ending your relationship. It basically just means you care about them and your relationship together, and you trust them and want to create new experiences with them. It also shows you have an interest in their sexual pleasure and want them to be satisfied.

9. You Get To Go Shopping

Whether online, or in store, shopping for sex toys is fun and funny. It doesn’t have to be serious and awkward, just remember to have fun with it. If you go shopping together this is also a great way to bond over and laugh at the the wide range of wild kinky toys out there, but also opens your mind to the possibilities and you’ll start imagining what your sex life could be – and that’s exciting. Its also fun to go shopping alone and surprise your partner with the items you found – notice i said surprise not completely shock, if your partner is new to this maybe don’t show up with something that’s going to freak them out – ease them into it.

10. Questions Feelings Of Inferiority

Its a very old fashioned but also very present day feeling that the use of sex toys can make your partner feel inferior, or just not good enough. Getting these toys though, really address whether you or your partner feels like this in bed, and gives you both a chance to discuss why you feel that way. It also gives you a chance to clarify that its not that they cant satisfy you, its just nice to try something different every once in a while, and you want to go on this journey together.

Trying new kinky toys is a great way to spruce up your sex life. What are your favorite toys to use? tell us in the comments below!

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