Sometimes we want to go to that one particular place that no one else seems to want to visit, or that others just don’t have time for, but doing the trip alone seems too daunting a prospect. Don’t miss out on the experience though! Travelling alone can be so rewarding, as you’ll read in our list of reasons to travel alone.
That museum about post-Communist art in Budapest takes take if you want to read all the info next to those glorious paintings but travelling with a buddy who’s not so much of an art fanatic can limit your freedom to enjoy the best bits about travelling. Travelling alone gives you ample liberty to stop and smell the roses, without inhibiting anyone else’s time.
We all have some friends that can be picky eaters- which isn’t usually a problem when there’s plenty of choice- but if you’re travelling to a corner of Eastern Africa, you’re probably not going to find the best spaghetti or salt and pepper chips. Travelling alone means you can eat what you want at whichever roadside stall, random canteen or local restaurant, and pick whatever you think looks yummy from the menu.
Now this might not be one you automatically think of, but sometimes when you travel you just want a relaxing holiday, but if you’re travelling with someone who likes to be on the go 24/7, it’s not always possible. Travelling alone means you can have a bit of a lie in, ready for a full day’s activities with that bit of extra energy. Not dealing with getting woken up is one of the greatest reasons to travel alone.
In the hostels and campsites of the world, you can meet the most interesting people you wouldn’t usually have the opportunity to meet on your home turf. Travelling alone gives you that push you need to go out and make new friends, potentially even travel buddies for your future trips! Forcing you to branch out and make new friends is one of the best reasons to travel alone.
A long adventure takes a lot of planning, and if you’ve been used to relying on someone else to sort out the details, you will not have gained these crucial skills for yourself. Travelling alone means you might make some mistakes along the way, but you’ll learn how to get out of tricky situations, all by yourself.
Tensions can run high when discussing (or arguing about) itinerary, flights, costs, etc, especially when you and your travel companion have different ideas of what makes the best travel experience. When you’re catering for yourself, you’re responsible for your priorities alone, and you can manufacture the smoothest ride possible, according to your terms. Less stress, more chill.
You might have misconceptions about travelling alone, or about people that travel alone, but actually doing it yourself and experiencing the joys of being a solo traveller puts you in a totally different mindset. Though you might think you need someone else to thrive, discover that you can be your best set, by yourself.
If you’re not on someone else’s time frame, you can hop on a night bus at a moment’s notice, and create fantastic adventures without having to worry about keeping to someone else’s timetable. Have wild days and nights, whenever you want.
Travelling alone provides the best resources for telling stories, and also gives you licence to embellish a little, without anyone catching you out! Your adventures will be your own, without your mate hijacking your story about that goat at the airport…
Sometimes all you want on the beach is a good book. Or a good podcast from The Guilty Feminist. Or a set of postcards to write to your family back home. Solo travelling gives you the opportunity to take some you-time in the most gorgeous places, without feeling like you’re ignoring someone whilst doing it.
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