Deciding what university you’re going to attend is an extremely difficult choice. If you’re currently working on your research, take a break and read up on a new option. From an accommodating learning atmosphere to a walking distance from the city, here are 21 reasons to go to De Montfort University.
I know how stressful the prospect of university can be, and when you’re in a panic trying to locate important details about the university courses, you really don’t need the website to be difficult to navigate through. You won’t find this issue with De Montfort University. The school website clearly and neatly lists objectives and all other information.
Open days are a great source of information and a perfect way to get a real feel for the university in a well-organised, fun way. They also help you understand the rollercoaster that is student life.
All of the halls of residence have a centralised location and are in walking distance of the university. Bede Halls, the one I will be staying at, has good-sized bedrooms, various amenities and a huge kitchen where we can all get to know each other. All this is surrounding a lovely courtyard.
There is a Dominos Pizza within a few feet from the halls. I can go out at night and then go and have Dominos to soak up all the alcohol! Or, pizza is also the perfect accompaniment to a late night at the library. Better yet, it closes at 5 a.m. OMG. Couldn’t get any better than that!
The atmosphere in and around the university is lively and vibrant. All of the staff and students are bubby, friendly and enthusiastic about the school. There is always something to do at the university. Never a dull moment…
The university thrives on diversity, encouraging students from a range of backgrounds to study with us. The school is very respectful to people’s religions, disabilities and uniqueness.
The food court offers food from all over the world, so everyone’s tastes are satisfied. The way the food is presented makes it really appetizing and, the best part is, the prices are affordable! There’s also plenty of room to sit and socialise with friends.
One of the main reasons to go to De Montfort University is the variety of courses available. The courses, designed to give the students the highest chances at gaining employability, offer theoretical and practical modules. This way the student learns first, then puts his or her learning into practice.
I have chosen to study B.A. (Hons) Creative Writing and Journalism. This degree really appealed to me because it offers a joint honors in two subjects I love. I was finding it hard to decide which one to concentrate on, but this way I can do both. I find creative writing provides me with a way I can challenge myself and experiment with different ways to express my meaning. The journalism side allows me to design thought provoking articles as well as pursuing my dream of becoming a journalist on the radio.
To help students achieve the best possible results from their courses, the university has a wide range of high-tech facilities. An example of these are the television studios and radio studios available to the communications students.
The tutors and students of the university are very bubbly and friendly. New university students have been given many opportunities to ask any questions we may have, and everyone has been very helpful. A particular element that caught my eye is that the tutors have experience in specific parts of the course, so this helps students learn the most and can be properly coached to achieve the right result.
Another one of the reasons to go to De Montfort University is the small number of students in the classroom. This helps students get to know each other more personally and obtain more tailored feedback to our own work. This atmosphere creates a really individual focus on teaching and learning where the tutors can be more personable with students. Small numbers of students are more likely to lead to a rich learning experience and get the most out of the course, which will improve chances of employability in the future.
The student support at De Montfort is brilliant. There are a number of different services available, such as a counseling services, for those who are homesick or have any issues that may cause them to struggle with coursework. There is also a service to help those with more specific needs, where students can work together with a support team to develop a plan for them.
The student union at De Montfort is run by a number of enthusiastic students who want you to get the best out of life at university. There are many opportunities open for the students, like becoming a student ambassador, which is what I’m looking forward to.
Another one of the reasons to go to De Montfort University is the range of clubs and societies available to students. There are ones to suit all interests and hobbies, and more can be created upon request. From Cocktail Society to Harry Potter Society, there is something for everyone.
One of the clubs and societies in particular is Demon Media. The university has its own magazine and radio station that is well known by those on campus and in the city. Students who are a part of Demon Media have access to their television and radio studies, which is a great way to make friends and socialise while gaining industry experience.
To try and relieve an element of student stress, undergraduate chat rooms are provided in the run up to the start date. These chat rooms are run by current students who are able to answer any questions or address any concerns the new or prospective students have. These were offered regularly and all the students who took part were really responsive.
There are a number of Facebook groups new students can join. These are highly recommended as they are a great way to find and get to know people on your course as well as in your halls of residence before you even start. These help you address some of the anxieties of meeting others when you get to university.
Like the halls of residence, the City Centre is in walking distance of the university. The university is positioned in the midway point between the halls of residence and the City Centre. There is a great variety of fabulous shops in Leicester.
The city of Leicester has good transport links. Most places are walkable, but for those that aren’t, there are efficient bus and train services that run regularly.
There is a wristband for sale that covers entry to all the events during freshers week. There are lots of alternative fun things available to suit all tastes, so Freshers is a great part of university life that shouldn’t be missed.
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