15 Quick Dinner Ideas All Students Need To Know

So you’re at the end of term, with a million and one deadlines to meet – thinking, do I actually have time for food? I know I’m not the only one that’s put off making dinner because of the amount of time and effort it takes. So instead of ordering out or sneakily going off to steal food from a friend across the corridor, I’ve got a great list of quick dinner ideas to atleast get you through the week.
1. Pita Pizza
Everyone loves PIZZA!!! But who has the time to actually make one from scratch? Even the frozen kind takes about 30 minutes in the oven. Well not anymore more! Introducing the pita pizza! Grab a pita from the fridge, slap on some sauce, followed by cheese and then maybe some easy toppings (eg. sweetcorn, peppers, ham ect…). Whilst your preparing that, turn the grill on so that when you’ve built your pizza, you can put it straight in. There you have it: a great way to make a homemade pizza under 10 minutes!
2. Quesadillas
Again, this is another super quick dinner idea that uses ingredients you probably already have in the fridge. Grab 2 plain wraps (white or brown … whatever takes your fancy); in a pan add some rice (use microwavable – that’s the quickest option), cut up a few peppers and onions, and maybe a tin of kidney beans. Then grab whatever cooked meat you already have in the fridge – mix that in too and finally add some Mexican spices (I just buy the pre mixed fajita spices). Finally place the filling between the two tortillas and either pop it in the grill or get out your trusted toastie maker. Pop it in, and there you have it… another quick dinner idea!
3. Chickpea Curry
This one might take a little longer, roughly about 20 minutes – but it’s great if you’re craving Indian food, and you could always make enough for dinner for the next few nights. This is an amazingly filling and healthy recipe, made with chickpeas that are stirred into a spicy and creamy tomatoes sauce.
4. Toasties
Probably the quickest and the easiest dinner idea of all. Pick your favourite sandwich, place it in your toastie machine, wait about 2 minutes and there you go… a quick and easy dinner for one!
5. Nachos
Often regarded as a late-night snack, why not turn it into a great and yummy dinner with a few added extras?! Grab an oven proof dish, spill in a bag of chips, followed by a layer of cheese, and then as many vegetables as you want! I promise you adding vegetables makes nachos even more tasty than they already are!
6. Enchiladas
Add a bit of spice with these extremely easy to make enchiladas. Fill them up with whatever you fancy, add a bit of seasoning, and pop it in a pan under the grill – it’s as simple as that!
7. Macaroni And Cheese
This is a great recipe for all of you who only have access to a microwave. I know it sounds a bit strange, but trust me when I say you’ll never be able to tell the difference that this was made in a mug.
8. Mug Cake
Whilst we’re on the topic of ‘mug’ cooking, I thought I’d throw this one in. Ok… technically its’ not a ‘meal’, but what’s a meal without a great dessert?
9. Omelette
Probably one of the easiest recipes on this list. Who needs a stove when you’ve got your trusty microwave? This is a great idea if you need to make something super quick and something that is also considered on the healthier side.
10. Egg And Cheese Burrito
Kind of an alternative to the omelette mentioned above, but never the less, this is a great way to enjoy a bit of protein.
11. Plain And Simple Pasta
This one is obvious! But many students have failed to learn how to cook pasta correctly – often incredibly undercooked or mushy and overcooked. Depending on the shape and size of your pasta, remember to read the directions for each variety. For an easy and yummy topping, coat the pasta in a scoop of pre-prepared pesto.
12. Corn Balls
This one takes a little longer …BUT, you can easily make a batch load, freeze them and then quickly cook them up whenever you fancy. This recipe combines all of my favourites– mash potato, sweetcorn and cheese!
13. Noodle Soup
As a student, I’m pretty sure you’re very familiar with the packet noodle invention. But, sometimes they can taste a bit bland and your often left unsatisfied. Well, why not customise your noodles? My favourite is to add a little hot sauce into the water mixture, and then cook the noodles in the spicy mixture, which takes the taste to a whole new level.
14. Stir Fry
This is amazingly simple! Head down to your local supermarket – they will have the stir fry pre-cut and prepared; next to it you’ll find some fresh noodles and then just pick a sauce. When you get home, whack it all in a pan for a few minute and there you go!
15. Stuffed Peppers
I know this one sounds fancy, but trust me it’s so easy. Get a pack of flavoured couscous. Cut open a pepper and fill it with the couscous; don’t forget to top it off with some yummy cheese. Pop it in the oven and forget about it; when you return, you’ll not only have something that was super quick and looks great, but the roasted pepper adds a whole new level of flavour.
There you have it; a great list of easy and quick dinner ideas all students need to know! Share your favorite recipe in the comment section below!
Featured Image Source: pinterest.com

Hi i’m Nisha - A lifestyle blogger and current undergraduate studying Management & Marketing who's on a mission for success!