Categories: Uni Life

8 Pricey Products You Should Invest In While You’re Young

When you’re young and starting out in your career there are endless things you are told to save for by people who are arguably older and wiser. Keeping your savings in check while paying for general adulting is a hard task for many, but while you are balancing all of this, remember to treat yourself to occasional splurges on pricey products that will improve your wellbeing and life now and in the future.

Gym Or Fitness Club Membership

Finding the right gym or sports club to suit your needs and preferences can take time. If you find a club that offers everything you are looking for but has a heavy price tag, it may be worth considering making spending changes to allow for your membership. While you are young you are much more likely to make full use of the facilities and it will benefit your health in the long run if you do so. Although this may not be one of the most fun pricey products to splash your cash on, it is worth investing in during your younger years.

A Laptop Or Desktop

Particularly important for freelancers and those working within creative fields, a good quality laptop or desktop is one of those pricey products that is worthwhile investing in sooner rather than later. Increasing your spending and doing your research before you buy means you should end up with a product that delivers what you are looking for and lasts. Always check for any warranties, insurance policies and added extras that may be included and can often be extended at an extra cost. Apple is a popular and generally reliable brand, but take your time and consider your needs first.

Get The Product:

Trips And Experiences

Technically not a product, but nevertheless a pricey purchase, travel, trips, and experiences are all extremely worth spending on at a young age. If you have dreams of walking The Great Wall of China or diving on the Great Barrier Reef then find a way to fund it while you are young. Unfortunately, more often than not, people who wait until they are older and have more money to spend find that by the time they are financially comfortable enough to indulge in such a trip, life gets in the way and they don’t get the experience they wished for.

A Camera

If you are taking in this advice and planning trips, you will want to record the memories. Even if you never leave your hometown, you will still want photographs to capture the good times. Invest in a good quality, durable camera whether it is a phone camera, film or digital and be sure to store your photographs somewhere safe. If you travel frequently then consider buying a GoPro so you can capture your most exciting adventures. As you get older, you will have endless memories to show your friends and family.

Get The Product:

A Good Quality Mattress

This tip may sound laughable, but a good quality mattress is one of the most important pricey products to invest in while you are young. After a hard day at work, a boot camp gym class and dinner with friends which has inevitably turned into a bar crawl, the last thing you want when you get in is to lie on a bumpy, rock hard mattress. Investing in a comfortable mattress while you are young means you will sleep better, avoid aches and pains and generally be happier and healthier. Also, it has been discovered that the younger generation spends more waking time in bed, watching Netflix, scrolling social media and even working, so why not make it a comfortable place to be; plus it will last years.

Get The Product:

See Also

A Coat

A quality coat may be one of those pricey products that your mum used to insist on when you were a kid, but as you grow slightly older it is still super important. While you can get stylish coats cheaply every year, they tend to be poor that their main job (keeping you warm) and end up looking shabby reasonably quickly. Opt for a classic color and cut in a heavy, lined fabric that can be worn to work and socially. Once you’ve got your coat, remember to dry clean it every year to keep it looking new.

Get The Product:


Taking good care of your skin has been a growing trend in recent years with many beauty insiders opting for skin over makeup and brands such as Glossier creating new makeup products that enhance naturally glowing skin. Investing in the right products for your skin type, using skin protectors such as SPF and pollution blockers, and ensuring you are applying these correctly will ensure your skin stays perfect as you grow older. Some of these may be pricey products but you will be thankful for buying them in the long run. They say prevention is better than cure for a reason.

Gifts To Yourself

First paycheck in your new job or significant pay rise? Ensure you treat yourself to something you wouldn’t usually buy. Whether you choose a designer handbag, an addition to your rare book collection or a dinner at a top restaurant, rewarding yourself for hard work is just as important for saving for the future. Celebrate your success by purchasing one of those pricey products and use it to remind yourself of how far hard work can get you. Remember to keep any gifts you buy yourself, even if you grow tired of them – they are wonderful items to be passed down in the family and hold sentimental value even if you may not think so yet.

Which of these items have you already invested in? Let us know which pricey products you spend your money on in the comments below.
Phoebe Master

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