
7 Positive Affirmations You Should Tell Yourself Everyday

We all have our ups and downs, and days that we feel low. There many things that you can do to maintain a positive attitude and boost your confidence. Practising positive affirmations is a great way of re-aligning your thoughts and building positivity within yourself. It may not work miracles, but it is a great tool and every little thing helps! Here are 7 positive affirmations you should tell yourself every day!

1) ‘I Am in Charge of How I Feel, and Today I Am Choosing Happiness’

In a world that is so unruly and out of our control, it can feel like you have no control over anything, including your own life and feelings. It is important to remind yourself that you are in charge of your feelings and that you can reject sadness and negativity if you try hard enough!

2) ‘I Am Worthy’

Everyone feels unworthy at times, whether it is because of somebody else – a rejection perhaps – or because of our own insecurities. We are all human after all, and we all experience feelings of unworthiness, no matter how successful, popular, wealthy or beautiful we are. The main thing is to assure yourself that no matter what challenges you are facing in life, you are worthy!

3) ‘I Will Not Compare Myself to Strangers on the Internet’

In the world of social media, this one is probably one of the most relevant affirmations to do daily. Social media has taken over our daily lives; we refer to it for everything from makeup, food, fashion, fitness, finances, travel, relationships and everything in between. Because of this, we often compare ourselves to popular social media influencers and their lives, which leaves us feeling bad – even negative – about ourselves. This affirmation reminds you not to compare yourself to anyone, least of all strangers on the internet. Following it will help you to be happy with yourself and your life – just as it should be!

4) ‘I Am My Own Superhero’

Sometimes, when you’re feeling down, or unhappy and weak, you begin to rely on others for validation, strength and happiness. Whether this is a partner, a parent, friends or anyone else. But this shouldn’t be the case. It is important to re-align your mindset so that you rely on none other than yourself for strength. You are strong!

5) ‘I Can Do It’

If like me, you are an anxiety sufferer, then this one might hit home. Anxiety can really beat you down and make you believe that you can’t do whatever it is you are setting out to do. It builds up negative thoughts and feelings to a point where it can overwhelm you and prevent you from navigating effectively through daily life. This affirmation strips it all back to the basic truth – you can do it!

See Also

6) ‘The World is My Friend’

During a bad time, it can feel like the world is against you; everything seems to go wrong constantly and it feels like there is a conspiracy against you. This can be self-fulfilling prophecy. So, remind yourself that the world isn’t your enemy – it is your friend. This will help you to develop a better relationship with your surroundings and make you feel more positive.

7) ‘I am Fearless’

One of the keys to life is letting go of your inhibitions and being fearless is certain situations. Whether this means speaking up for yourself against your boss who is a bully, or biting the bullet and moving away to the country you’ve always wanted to move to. Telling yourself you are fearless reminds you of your inner strength!

Do you ever use positive affirmations? Which ones are your favourite? Tell us in the comments!

Featured image source:
Surura Patel

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