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10 Pinterest Inspired Ways To Decorate Your Graduation Cap And Gown

10 Pinterest Inspired Ways To Decorate Your Graduation Cap And Gown

In case you're looking for some inspiration on how to decorate a graduation cap, here are 12 Pinterest inspired These are some seriously cute ways to decorate your graduation cap and gown if you're studying in America.

It is extremely popular in the US to decorate your cap and gown for graduation. It’s a nice way to do something creative that also symbolises your years and memories at your university. Sadly this is not possible in the UK as the dress code is much stricter. But in case you’re looking for some inspiration on how to decorate a graduation cap, here are 12 Pinterest inspired These are some seriously cute ways to decorate your graduation cap and gown if you’re studying in America.

1. Simple design.

Simplicity and minimalism is sometimes the best option. If you don’t want something too crazy and out of your comfort zone, you can decorate your cap simply. A few flowers or maybe some studs and a small creative design and the graduation cap is transformed!

2. Famous quote.

An inspirational and famous quote to sum up your years is also a great idea for your graduation cap. It could be a quote from something you read while doing your essay as a literature student for example.


3. Painting.

Like this one from Peter Pan, you can do something like this too! You can paint something like this or maybe a famous painting like the Vincent Van Gogh ‘Starry Night’ painting.

4. An inspirational quote.

Another decoration idea is to use an inspirational quote! There are so many you can choose from! For example, you can also use ‘She believed she could so she did’. It makes you reminisce about how hard you worked for this degree.

5. A motivational quote.

You could also go for a motivational quote for you. A quote which will conclude your best years at uni and what is yet to come!


6. A Harry Potter quote.

There are so many Harry Potter quotes that you can use – as you will see below! They could be funny and smart too!

This is another Harry Potter reference; Dobby the house elf can only be freed by giving him clothes, and in a particular scene in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Dobby receives clothes accidentally. And that’s how his famous quote applies here! You’re free from uni with this diploma! Congrats!

Another famous quote is ‘I’m still waiting for my Hogwarts letter’ or ‘My Hogwarts letter is still not here’. In the story, every magician receives their letter when they turn 11. So with this quote on your cap, it will be humorous because although you’re special and full of magic, you went to uni because your letter is still not here!

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7. You can thank your family.

Another simple decoration for your graduation cap! You can simply thank loved ones and show your appreciation for all their support.

8. A funny quote.

You can write something funny and smart like this one from Spongebob! You can always play with words and make something funny to be memorable!


9. Create a colourful cap.

You can also create a colourful cap! Depending on your university’s rules and dress code, you can add vibrant colours as decoration, or colours that match your dress or outfit.

10. Hakuna Matata.

Hakuna Matata. No worries! No stress! All is good! It’s a great symbolic decoration for your graduation cap, as now you’re stress-free from the obligations of uni, life is good and you’re ready to take on the world! These are some seriously cute ways to decorate your graduation cap and gown.

What are your favorite ways to decorate your graduation cap and gown? Let us know in the comments below!
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