25 Pictures That Will Make You Wish You Were Starting School At University of East Anglia Tomorrow

Oh UEA, in the words of the song, is indeed wonderful. In just five months we will be opening our doors to a new wave of freshers eager to experience the joys of uni. Campus can look pretty fleeky at times, and whether you’re planning on coming to UEA, are already here, have long since graduated or have never visited, these Instagram pictures of University of East Anglia might just make you wish you were one of those freshers preparing for a few years in the concrete jungle…
1. The parks around campus
There are beautiful parks all around UEA which are great for a lovely walk and, it seems, an arty Insta post too.
2. The lake
There are hundreds of amazing pictures of the lake I could have chosen, but this one captures our campus broad at its best.
3. The morning sun
If you get up early enough, UEA provides ample opportunities to enjoy the sunrise.
4. The rabbits
UEA is well known for being a uni where rabbits roam free, and it’s lovely to see these creatures go about their daily life side-by-side with students. Plus, they’re ridiculously cute!
5. The ponies
UEA? Yay or neigh? That is the quandary facing many school leavers, but the presence of these guys just a short walk from the centre of campus might just sway a few.
6. Cloud Dog
Sadly no longer with us, I’m proud to say that despite never having met our biggest uni celebrity, I studied at UEA as the same time as the legendary Cloud Dog was visiting campus. And, as a reward for our participation in the officer elections, the Students’ Union decided to put up a giant memorial to remember her in the Hive.
7. The flowers… outside
Nature is never too far away at UEA. Here are some beautiful flowers outside The Enterprise Centre, supposedly one of the most environmentally friendly buildings in the country.
8. The flowers… inside
Even coming inside doesn’t rob you of your contact with nature. The toilets in the Julian Study Centre are well known among students for their ceiling illuminated with more lovely flowers!
9. Even more flowers!
Recently, campus has again been blessed with an Easter treat of hundreds of daffodils planted around campus to add some colour.
10. The ivy
And it’s not just on the ground where the grey canvas of campus is decorated by mother nature’s palette.
11. The views
The hill behind Colman House is where you need to go in order to experience some of the finest views across campus.
12. The skies
Oh yeah, did I mention the skies? I’m not sure if it’s a Norwich thing, but this semester UEA has seen some incredible skies and the obligatory Snapchat spam (guilty, I’m afraid).
13. The skies… part 2
I could go on forever with these.
14. The general atmosphere
UEA is an extremely welcoming place for LGBT+ folk, with a huge Pride Society, gender neutral toilets, various events on campus and a generally tolerant attitude among staff and students. Oh, and Unio is the students’ saviour for delicious on-campus drinks, located centrally in The Hive.
15. The square
Where to start with the square? Designed in the brutalist style as part of the original university by architect Denys Lasdun, the square fills up with people basking in the sunshine on hot days towards the end of the academic year, and during big events. There’s sometimes a food stall there too! Click here to see a nice slideshow of photos of the square over the years!
16. Derby Day
One such square-filling big event is Derby Day, a (normally) sunny Saturday near the end of the second semester where UEA’s sports teams face Essex, one year at home, the next away. Many students take the opportunity to see their friends play in sports they’d never normally watch on a freezing Wednesday afternoon in December, and a lot of alcohol is consumed by competitors and spectators alike. This is a huge campus-wide event, and a key one for many of the UEA community.
17. Pimp My Barrow
Another massive UEA event which sees hundreds congregate in the square is the famous, annual ‘Pimp My Barrow’. The idea is simple, grab a small team, decorate a wheelbarrow and dress up according to your chosen theme, push it around a trail and take part in the end-of-term event to have a great time and raise money for local cancer charity Big C while you’re at it.
18. Earlham Hall
And UEA is not all about concrete either. Law students get to have lessons in the gorgeous Earlham Hall, set in acres of lush parkland.
19. Sun through the trees
Lake: I’m the most Instagrammable view on campus.
Sun and trees: Hold our drink…
20. The LCR
The LCR is home to great club nights and each year welcomes the cream of music talent for some superb gigs so you can see your heroes in the heart of campus, just a short walk from where you live. Check out who’s appearing soon here!
21. Sports
There are loads of sports clubs you can join at UEA. Continue with something you’ve been doing since primary school, or try something completely new like Quidditch or American Football. Browse them here!
22. Get involved
It’s easy to get involved with a sports club or other society. Have a look online to see what takes your fancy and then give them a message on Facebook or visit the sports or society start-of-year fairs to chat with members.
23. The Library
I think the caption says it all here…
24. In the city
Not UEA, but a short bus ride from campus takes you into the heart of Norwich, with all the city has to offer. Big enough to have everything you need, but not too massive that you get swallowed up and lost. Plus we have the colourful market with its variety of weird and wonderful stalls!
25. Oh UEA is… majestic?
Last but not least, here is a picture of the Queen when she visited UEA earlier this year to attend the Sainsbury Centre, our campus art gallery. While she’s not everyone’s cup of tea, the Queen having popped in to UEA is reason enough to wish you came here, surely?
So there you have it, if you are able hand-on-heart to say now that you’re not slightly jealous of those with their whole UEA careers ahead of them, I’ll call you out as a liar. I know I’m jealous, and I’m only going into my second year!
What are your favorite pictures of University of East Anglia? Share in the comments below!
Featured image source:Â twitter.com/zainalazzan
19-year-old Literature and History undergraduate at the University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK.