10 Pet Instagrams To Follow For Your Cute Fix

Everyone needs some pet Instagrams to follow for their feed. There’s something about adorable animals that can really help a person feel better. If you’re tired of looking at unrealistic expectations, food and selfies, then animal accounts are you new best friend. They’re perfect for breaking up your feed with something cute and fluffy to make up your day. Here are ten pet Instagrams to follow right now. From cosy homebody cats to adventurous canines, here’s a list of adorable pet accounts to get your daily cute fix.
1. Maya the Samoyed
Seeing Maya on your feed is enough to brighten up your day and mood. The adorable Samoyed looks just like a fluffy snowball, or if you wish, a miniature polar bear. She’s so fluffy that you just want to sink your face into her fur and cherish the moment. Most of her content consists of adorable videos that you’ll be left binging.
2. Mango Brown the Bengal kitty
If you love chatty cats, then you need to follow Mango right now. Mango has this charming expression that makes him look so “done” and apathetic. But honestly, he’s just so chatty and his little meows and murmurs are guaranteed to make you “aww”.
3. Mikita
Mikita is a black cat based in Chicago and every time I look at him I think of Toothless from “How To Train Your Dragon”. He has adorable huge eyes and his account documents his daily life with his parents. He recently got a new sister called Dahlia and watching them bond on their story has me waiting for more updates.
4. Nyankichi Noraneko
This cat is amazing. He’s been through desserts and snow. He’s traversed streams. He’s been to temples and tourist locations throughout Japan. This little Japanese explorer is living the adventurer’s life that we all want to experience.
5. Lionel the hedgehog
I didn’t know that hedgehogs could be pets until recently, but I will admit that they’re extremely adorable and Lionel is no exception. His feed consists of him being carried or chilling in various locations, sometimes with miniature accessories to up the cute factor.
6. Santo and Maria, the island dogs
If you’ve ever wanted to live vicariously through something, you’ll find that you’ll get that feeling with these dogs. The German Shepherd duo lives on Zanzibar, a tropical island off the coast of Africa. Most of their feed consists of them chilling at the beach – I’ve never been so jealous of a canine.
7. Geordi la Corgi
His owner refers to him as a “professional butt model” and it’s easy to see why. Geordi is the most stylish Corgi. Based in LA his feed looks like any other lifestyle influencers Instagram, except that you know, he’s a dog. His stylish outfits and modelesque poses are a worthy addition to anyone’s feed.
8. Watson and Kiko, plus London the hedgehog
Watson and Kiko are an adorable pair of golden retrievers that go on adventures with their owner. Their feed consists of picturesque lakes, mountains and woods, complete with some adorable cuddles. Their hedgehog sibling, London, sometimes joins in on the fun too.
9. Henry and Baloo
Henry and Baloo are proof that a cat and dog can get along, and their friendship is beautiful. The two brothers go on hikes and adventures with their owners and are guaranteed to be spotted in their signature pose: Baloo chilling on Henry.
10. Suki the adventure cat
Suki is a beautiful Bengal cat that goes on adventures and travels the world with her “cat mom”. Her feed consists of aesthetic and picturesque travel pictures that everyone wants but struggles to get. We all need a good photographer in life…