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12 Types Of People You’ll Run Into When In London

12 Types Of People You’ll Run Into When In London

London is a place filled with lots of different types of people, from buisnessmen to goths to musicians, you can expect a variety.

Have you ever wondered what kind of people there are in London? There are so many different kinds of people – especially in London where it’s the busiest. There are hundreds of unique personalities and looks that we associate with different people, but sometimes it’s difficult to decipher who’s who in the everyday throng of people rushing by. That’s why we have put together a list of 12 Types of People You’ll Run Into When In London.

  1. The Hipster

Hipsters are the trend setters when it comes to fashion or the latest beard style. There are hundreds of hipsters in London, just waiting for you to enter their Gluten-free, vegan cafes to give you advice on man buns. They can usually be found with beards, a soy latte and wearing loafers. These stylish people usually hang around art galleries and make great conversationalists.

2. The Business Man

Of course, London is full of the business man reading the Metro on the tube. They’re all dressed up in their suits, the older men sometimes in waist coats. The business man is usually the first one off the tube and gets annoyed if you push your way to the front. These men are mostly going to Canary Wharf to work in the offices or banks and spend their lifetimes in coffee shops looking dead inside.


3. The Tourist

The tourist can be seen a mile off; they’re usually looking at the tube map and can be seen lugging around suitcases that weigh half a ton. Out and about on the streets they can be found taking picture after picture with their backpacks strapped to their front. They tend to dawdle and get in the way of the locals who huff as they go by.

They can also be found making the weirdest poses and jumping off of things. These photo shoots can last a while with no respect to the people passing by.

4. The Hippie

The hippies in London can be found walking the streets with huge dreadlocks and harem pants. They love to be positive and their calm manner makes London feel that bit more welcoming. The hippies can be found in their cafes – no chains though – drinking soy coffee, much like the hipsters.  Their clothes distinguish them the most and they’re full of colour and style.


5. The Art Student

It’s every artist’s dream to study in London and there are tons of art students taking photos, painting or drawing. The art students can be found mid morning on the tube with their huge art portfolios in one hand and their camera in another. They are usually very artistically dressed as well, usually sporting dungarees or a pinafore dress with Doc Martins.

6. The Yummy Mummies

The yummy mummies can be found on the tube at the busiest time of day – rush hour. They hop on with their massive pushchairs and more children than they can manage which means giving up your seat.

Yummy mummies usually come in groups of two or more so next time you’re in London, watch out which coffee shop you go to, otherwise you may run into a group of screaming children.


7. The Local

The locals are usually casually dressed and can be found sighing and moaning on the underground and streets about how they hate tourists. They’ll go and buy their local paper and go back home to avoid the crowds. They are definitely one of the 12 types of people you’ll want to be on the good side of!

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8. The Blogger

The blogger is a fashion wannabe and gets their boyfriend to take photos of them for their blog or YouTube channel. They’ll usually be found in places such as Notting Hill and local parks posing with their latest clothes purchase.


9. The Goth

Goths can usually be found wearing all black, listening to their music with their colourful hairstyles. They’ll know where they want to go and won’t hang around for too long.

10. The School Kid

The school kids will obviously be in uniform talking about what they’ll do in London for the night instead of doing their homework. They’ll be found on Oxford Street shopping in Forever 21 for hours on end.

11. The Musician

The musicians can be found busking in the stations or at Covent Garden. They’re waiting to be discovered or just singing for the sheer fun of it. When they aren’t playing, they’re usually carrying around their instruments in their most stylish outfit.


12. The Snob

There’s always going to be snobs in every city but when you have somewhere as big as London, they’re easy to spot. They can be found correcting people’s grammar and wearing their posh frock to go shopping with their children. They also believe they’re too good for the tube so will ride around in taxis all day long.

Have you got any types of people to add to our list of 12 Types of People You’ll Run Into When In London?
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